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Health articles

Susie and David: dyspraxia
"We'll work together to develop his organising and planning skills"
Susie McCrae from Edinburgh describes her experience of the SEN and school system with her son David, 9, who has Developmental Coordination Disorder / dyspraxia, and shares her tips for other parents.
Andrew and Jane - ASD
'The school worked with him to strengthen his motor and social skills'
Jane Burbridge from Folkestone describes her experience of the SEN and school system with her son Andrew, 7, who has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and shares her tips for other parents.
Managing divorce and separation at school
Managing separation and divorce at school
Separation isn’t just a family affair – the consequences need to be managed at school, too. Moira Holden explains the legalities involved and experts give advice on how to deal with your child’s education as a separated family.
Managing asthma in primary school
Managing asthma in primary school
Managing asthma at school can be a challenge, but new legislation will ensure that children with long-term health needs receive extra support. Jo Willacy reports.
Sex and relationships: how to talk to your primary-school child
Sex and relationships: how to talk to your primary-school child
How should you discuss the birds and the bees with your child and when, and what can you expect your school to provide in terms of sex and relationships education? We asked the experts for their guidance for the primary-school years.
Anaphylaxis in schools
Dealing with anaphylaxis in schools
If your child suffers from a severe food allergy, sending them to school every day can be a daily battle of trust. Jo Willacy takes a look at policy, action plans and training for parents and school staff to help tackle allergy management concerns.
Diabetes glucose testing
Managing diabetes at school
If your child has diabetes, which is a condition when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin, you want to know that they’ll be as healthy and safe as possible at school. We share tips about drawing up a care plan, communicating effectively with school and raising awareness of diabetes with teachers and carers.
Glue ear explained
Glue ear: all your questions answered
Children afflicted by glue ear can have a miserable time at school, but the nature of the condition means many parents and teachers may not even guess that a child is suffering. Moira Holden looks at the causes of glue ear and how it can be treated.
Primary school health
6 primary-school health concerns parents need to look out for
The days of colic and cradle cap may be long gone, but your primary school child is now susceptible to a different range of health issues. From tummy bugs and nits to emotional health concerns, Lucy Dimbylow looks at what you need to know to keep them safe and well.
School problems
7 common school life problems solved
Every parent wants their child to be happy at school, but what if there’s a problem? Here’s our step-by-step guide to tackling and resolving some of the common issues that might crop up in primary school.
Boy relaxing at the beach
5 ways to teach relaxation skills to your child
Knowing how to keep calm in emotionally difficult situations is an important life skill that’s never too early to learn. Even if you don’t feel you’ve mastered it yourself, you can still help your child manage their stress levels – and perhaps improve your own stress management in the process. Educational psychologist Lisa Gupta lends her top tips for parents.
Children at computers
How your Year 6 child develops
As they look forward to the move to secondary school, what is changing for your Year 6 child?
Entrance to high school building
How your Year 7 child develops
As they move from primary to secondary school, what changes can you expect to see in your child?
Young children in classroom
How debating can benefit your child
From improving speaking and listening skills to building self-esteem, learning to debate could have many benefits for your primary-school child. Lucy Dimbylow finds out more.
Children playing together
Personal, social and emotional development in EYFS
Personal, social and emotional education is important for Early Years Foundation Stage children's development. Find out here how you can support your child's emotional education at home.
Young boy
Improve your child’s speech and language skills
Significant numbers of children start primary school in England with difficulties with speech and language. Here’s how you can support your child.
Reception children with teacher
How your child develops in the Early Years Foundation Stage
As your child starts their primary education, here's how they’ll develop during their Reception year.
Children running energetically
How your child develops in Key Stage 1
What changes can you expect to see in your child in Years 1 and 2?
Friends playing together in playground
How your child develops in Key Stage 2
What changes can you expect to see in your child over the next four years?
Secondary school girl with stack of books
How your child develops in Key Stage 3
As your child moves from primary to secondary school, what changes can you expect in their behaviour?
Little girl in classroom smiling
How your Year 1 child develops
With less play and more learning on the cards at school, here’s how your child will change and grow during Year 1.
Mum hugging little girl goodbye at school bus
How your Reception child develops
Starting school is a big leap for your child, so how will they grow during their first academic year?
Year 2 child
How your Year 2 child develops
With friendship issues and KS1 SATs stress to contend with, how will your child change in Year 2?
Group of year 3 pupils
How your Year 3 child develops
As your child moves from infants to juniors, how will they develop and change in Year 3?
School girls sharing secrets
How your Year 4 child develops
Sociable and independent – here’s what to expect from your child in Year 4.
School children lying in a circle
How your Year 5 child develops
With the teenage years beckoning, what can you expect from your child in Year 5?
Tired boy reading at desk
Is your child getting enough sleep?
Is your child overtired – or not tired enough? Here’s how to make sure they’re getting the right amount of sleep for their age.
Walk to School Month
7 vital road safety skills you must teach your child
Worried about your child walking to school on their own? Help them become street savvy during Walk to School Month by teaching them these key principles of walking safely.
Child awake in bed
Growing pains explained
Aches and pain don’t just happen in your 80s – children can experience strong twinges and throbbings, which can even wake them up at night. Dr. David Shortland explains how to help your child through it.
Berthelsen family (Harris, far left)
'I help school staff keep my son safe'
How do you make sure your child sticks to an allergy-restricted diet when they’re not at home? Derrick and Alison Berthelsen’s son, Harris, has a serious nut allergy – Alison tells us how she’s worked with his schools to manage it.
Pupil queuing for school meal
Managing allergies at school: a guide for parents
It’s easy to keep track of what your child eats when they’re at home, but school is another matter. We’ve rounded up the latest advice on how to manage your child’s allergies at school.
Child washing hands at sink
Threadworms: all your questions answered
It’s easy to feel horrified if your child gets threadworms, but don’t panic! They’re very common among kids – and easy to treat. Here are all your pressing questions answered.
Children laughing
Why family games help positive behaviour
Traditional family games can help your child develop skills such as patience, respect, turn-taking, and being part of a team. So try these tips to make time for games in family life.
Little boy watching TV
How to manage your child's television time
Do you worry that television viewing could be having a damaging effect on your child? We take a look at children's TV consumption and how you can manage it in a positive way.
Parent cooking with child
Cooking with kids: the educational benefits
Cooking with children has some great educational and health benefits, from practising maths skills to exploring different ingredients. We take a look at what your child could learn in the kitchen.
Cartoon girls playing
How to make outdoor play safe
The sights and sounds of children playing together outdoors have waned over the years, but with them go many learning benefits. Try these tips to inspire safe play outdoors.
Child on climbing frame
The importance of children's play
Play helps a child develop their creative abilities, and takes them into a fun, positive and imaginative world where anything is possible. We explore the benefits of play and offer top tips on how you can encourage all the family to join in.
Children playing 'pile on'
What supervised indoor play offers your child
Children's play is not only a great learning experience, it also can affect their approach to physical exercise and activities in years to come. We take a look at what play centres could offer your child.
Brother and sister playing on laptop
Screen time rules
What do children really think about the amount of time they spend playing computer games? And how can you establish appropriate screen time so your child benefits from technology and all it has to offer? Denise Roberts finds out.
Little girls hugging
Help your child to learn social skills
Social skills are as important to a developing child as they are to a fully grown adult. Support your child’s social development with these practical tips.