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How children learn articles

Bilingual child learning at school
How being bilingual affects your child’s education
One in five primary school children speaks a language other than English at home. We find out how this affects their learning, and what schools (and parents!) can do to help.
Primary-school maths aids: child counting pasta shapes
10 brilliant primary-school maths aids
Children often learn faster if they are allowed to use practical equipment to support them. Primary teacher Angela Smith explains what maths aids your child might find in the classroom, and how you can also use them at home to help your child practise important numeracy skills with hands-on, practical activities.
Game-based learning
Why games-based learning is great for your child
If you despair of the amount of time your child spends attached to their tablet, think again: games and apps are an important part of their learning journey, from pre-school to secondary school, and can help to improve problem-solving skills and communication, as well as boost motivation. Lucy Dimbylow finds out why gaming means learning in the twenty-first century.
Mnemonics for kids
Memory aids for kids
Rhymes, acrostics and other mnemonics could all help your child to remember important facts, from tricky spellings to grammar rules. We asked the experts why they work so well – and for their top 10 memory aids.
Study skills for kids
How to help your child develop study skills
Learning how to study, complete homework projects and revise is essential as your child moves towards the end of primary school. We asked the experts for their advice on getting into good work habits. By Lucy Dimbylow
Philosophy in primary school
Philosophy in primary school: how thinking skills will benefit your child
Pondering life’s big questions could have some surprising benefits for your child. So how is philosophy taught in primary schools, and how can you encourage children to think deeper at home?
What is a Learning Objective / WALT?
What is a Learning Objective / WALT?
Heard your child talk about their LO, or their WALT? Teachers use learning objectives to help children understand what is expected of them in the classroom. Find out what a learning objective (or WALT) is and how learning objectives are used in primary school.
Kinaesthetic learners: homework tips
Learning tips for kinaesthetic learners
To you, they might look like a fidget, but your child’s restlessness could actually be helping them learn. Find out more about the theory of kinaesthetic learners and how learning styles might be discussed during your child's time at primary school.
Auditory learners: tips and techniques
How to help your auditory learner
If your child prefers reading aloud, is always talking to themselves and provides a running commentary of everything they do, they could be an auditory learner. We explain what the learning styles theory suggests and why you might hear about t during your child's time at primary school.
Visual learners and learning style
Is your child a visual learner?
Does your child have an obsession with highlighters, or spend hours looking at YouTube videos about their latest class topic? They might be a visual learner. Read our guide to the theory of learning styles and how it might be mentioned during your child's time at primary school.
Child balancing a book on her head
5 ways to raise an enterprising child
As parents we have a vital role to play in inspiring an enterprising attitude in our children, nurturing characteristics from an early age which will help them grow into happy adults. Lorraine Allman shares some easy, practical tips to help boost children's self-belief and confidence.
Face Britain project,
What your child can learn from doing a self portrait
Children often draw pictures of themselves, along with friends and family. Self portraits are actually a key part of learning and personal development, so provide the paper, pencils and opportunity for your child to have a go.
Magic e and split digraph rule
What is ‘magic e’ or a split digraph?
The way children learn to spell using phonics and phonetic terminology can cause utter bewilderment to parents trying their best to help at home. Primary teacher Phoebe Doyle is on hand to explain the ‘magic e’, or split digraph.
Young boy reading books
Book-bored to bookworm: expert tips to get your child reading
Worried that your child always chooses screen time over books? Mum and teacher Phoebe Doyle asks the experts about turning your child into a busy bookworm.
Father and son walking to school
How to plan a great year: achieving ideas for every month
Help your child be their best every month of the year! Follow these top goal-achieving tips from child development expert and bestselling author, Bernadette Tynan.
Girl doing times tables homework
Teachers’ tricks for learning times tables
Do you dread times table practice as much as your child does? Primary school teacher Alice Hart uses these effective learning strategies in her classroom – give them a try to liven up today's homework time.
Mother and daughter talking
5 free ways to boost your child's communication skills
Reading and writing are vital to your child’s education, but developing their oral language skills will also boost their confidence with words and expand their vocabulary. Make a difference to their literacy success from today!
Boy holding blocks spelling 'play'
3 steps to success in reading, writing and arithmetic
The 3Rs may not conjure up happy memories for you, but bestselling author and educational expert, Bernadette Tynan, explains how you can make sure they do for your child.
Boy doing maths work
Do boys learn in a different way to girls?
Research shows boys are lagging behind girls in reading, writing, maths and science. If the teaching is the same, is gender the issue? Emily Organ explores boys' achievement in the classroom.
Easy ways to engage your child with maths
Easy ways to engage your child with maths
Do the words “I need help with my maths homework” strike fear into your heart? Our tried-and-tested tips from maths experts will help change your child’s attitude to numbers – and yours
Piggy bank
Simple ways to save on school costs
We all want to give our children the best in life, but with the cost of living rising it can seem impossible to pinch those pennies and pay for school materials at the same time. Uniforms, meals, trips and birthday parties – the list goes on. But who knows how to budget better than a primary-school parent? Check out our tried-and-tested budgeting tips from other parents.

How to help your children set and achieve goals
How to help your children set and achieve goals
Reaching the goals we set for ourselves is tricky enough, so how can we teach our children the skills to set their own targets for achievement, and, most importantly, stick to them? Amy Schofield reports.
Art goodies in child's backpack
Do school incentives help children learn?
We all want to help children learn, but does offering incentives help them to reach their potential? And is it completely ethical?
Bored girl
Boosting your child's concentration skills
Your guide to the special needs that can cause concentration difficulties and tips to help your child focus.
Mum reading a book with her son
What is a learning style?
What are learning styles and how might you hear about them during your child's primary school education?
Child writing letters on blackboard
How does dyslexia impact on a child's learning?
We look at how dyslexia can affect your child at school and strategies to use at home to support their learning.
Letters in sand
How multi-sensory learning works
Multi-sensory learning is a not only a great way to help children develop their literacy skills, it's also great fun. Author of Spelling Made Magic, Clare Winstanley, explores the technique.
Happy children
How to help your child to love learning
Want to support your child’s education but at a loss as to where to start? Emily Organ spoke to educational psychologist Jeni Hooper to pick up some practical, easy-action tips.
Class sat at computers
Is technology changing the way children learn?
If you’ve ever seen your toddler load a DVD, then you’ll already have realised just how quickly today’s children take to technology. But why is technology so important in primary education? Camilla Chafer reports.
Children wearing life jackets
School trips - what to expect
Your guide to why school trips are organised and how you can prepare your child to make the most of learning outside the classroom.
Teacher talking to child
Alternative education: what are the benefits?
We take a look at alternative schools and what they have to offer your child.
Boy studying
How to support an underachieving child
There are lots of ways to help an underachieving child. Find expert advice and tips on how to encourage them to develop in their weak areas here.
Little boy with hand up
How to prevent your child from falling behind
All parents know the anxiety that accompanies a child’s progress through school but few realise just how significant they can be in helping, writes teacher Mike Walton. Here’s his step-by-step guide to supporting a struggling child.
Child working hard
Children's learning: How hard should you push your child?
Do you worry about getting the balance right between your children's learning and play? Read on for our advice.
Boy with string tied on finger
12 ways to give memory skills a boost and prepare for SATs
A good memory could be your child’s biggest asset when he’s preparing for SATs, tackling times tables or rehearsing for the school play. Here’s our guide to getting those synapses firing.