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Reading articles

What is a phoneme?
What is a phoneme?
The smallest unit of sound is called a phoneme and your child will be taught about these as part of their phonics learning journey. We explain how the teacher will explain phonemes and how you can help your child when they are starting to put sounds together at home.
What is a consonant cluster?
What is a consonant cluster?
When two consonants appear next to each other it is called a consonant cluster. We explain how teachers explain consonant clusters to children and how you can help your child spot them when you are practising reading at home.
Guided reading
What is guided reading?
A guided reading session takes place every day in school. We explain what happens during these sessions and how you can help your child develop the skills of decoding and comprehension at home.
Theseus myth, Ancient Greece
What are myths and legends?
Myths and legends are taught as part of the primary-school curriculum; as well as reading them your child will probably write their own version. We explain what parents need to know to support learning at home.
Writing a book report
Book reports: what parents need to know
Helping your child engage with their reading matter and improve their literacy skills, book reports are a homework staple. So what’s involved, and how can you make them easier for your child? Lucy Dimbylow explains.
The Royal Nappy by Nicholas Allan
10 of the best children's books for summer 2013
Mysteries, thrillers, supernatural tales and chick lit – we all want to pack a good book to read on holiday, whether we’re 4 or 104! From historical fiction to the new laugh-out-loud classic from Jeremy Strong, this super selection of books for KS2 readers means the whole family can have a fiction-packed break.
Children listening to an audiobook
Listen and learn: why audiobooks are great for your child
Whether your child is a voracious reader or is horrified at the suggestion of picking up a book, audiobooks could have some surprising benefits. Lucy Dimbylow explains how they could boost literacy skills, and shares our pick of the best to get you started.
Unusual ways to encourage children to read
19 unusual ways to encourage your child to read
Some children can’t wait to get home from school, throw themselves on the sofa and get lost in Hogwarts; others wouldn’t pick up a book unprompted if their games console depended on it. Lucy Dimbylow offers some unusual suggestions to get them reading – and enjoying it.
Father Christmas
Best children’s books about Christmas
Get into the festive spirit with some Christmas-themed bedtime stories – perfect to snuggle up to in front of the tree, sipping mulled wine (you) and hot chocolate (them). From wintery classics to new favourites about Father Christmas and his life in the North Pole, this reading list is suitable for all ages.
Spiderman pages
Best personalised books for children
Give your child a really unique introduction to the world of fiction with a personalised book – after all, who wouldn’t want to be the hero or heroine of a fantastic adventure? Seeing their name – and face – in print, alongside favourite characters, will be a thrill whether they’re just starting to read for themselves or ready to embark on classic literature. We pick the best personalised books where your child has the starring role.
Girl writing in exercise book
7 common dyslexia questions answered
If your child is dyslexic you'll want to help them get the support they need at school and at home. Dr John Rack, Head of Research, Development and Policy at Dyslexia Action, answers common questions about dyslexia identification, homework and tutoring and suggests sources of further information and advice to help you help your child.
Boy looking at computer
Best interactive book websites
Stories are so much more than simple words on the printed page, as these websites demonstrate. Your child will be able to hear favourite authors talk about their work, enter the world of Harry Potter (what House will the Sorting Hat select for them?), play games based on classic books and find out more about some of their favourite characters. Log on to look around – then go back to the books and read more!
Girls reading
7 of the best children’s reads for summer 2012
Mysteries, thrillers, supernatural tales and chick lit – we all want to pack a good book to read on holiday so make sure your child isn’t left out! From historical fiction to the new classic from Jacqueline Wilson, this super selection of books for KS2 readers means the whole family can have a fiction-packed break.
Queen's Diamond Jubilee logo
Best royal reads for kids
Make sure the whole family feels part of royal festivities and include some celebratory reading in your schedule. We’ve picked some great options for you to read out loud and for independent readers. Time to hang the bunting and snuggle up with a book…
Boy reading comic
Using comics to improve your child’s literacy
Struggling to get your child to pick up a book? A comic might have more appeal – and some surprising literacy-boosting benefits, especially for boys. Lucy Dimbylow explains why you don’t need to be snobbish about your child’s choice of reading material.
Mum and daughter reading
10 ways to boost phonics confidence
How should you support your child’s learning and first reading at home to help them prepare for the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check? Teacher and Y1 parent Phoebe Doyle offers some practical tips and ideas.
Girl reading
How to improve your child’s reading skills in KS1
Parents naturally want their child to read to the best of their ability, but often aren’t sure how to help them build on the skills they learn in class. Primary teacher Phoebe Doyle offers some expert tips on what your child needs to know to move to the next reading level.
Boy reading a book
School reading schemes explained
Ask any parent of a Reception child about Biff, Chip and Kipper, and they’ll know exactly who you’re talking about. But just how do primary school reading schemes work, and how can you tell if your child is progressing at the right rate? Lucy Dimbylow puts these questions to the teachers who use reading schemes in the classroom.
Father and daughter reading together
Reading to learn: how to get the most from reading with your children
Reading with your children at home not only lets them practise new words and sounds, but it can also help to improve their reading comprehension skills. Education writer and primary teacher Phoebe Doyle gives her top tips on helping to enrich reading time to prepare them for KS1 English SATs.
Year 1 phonics screening check exam
Year 1 phonics screening word check
Our parents' guide to the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check explains what it is, how it is scored and how schools use the results. Find out what you need to know to support your child in our quick Q&A.
World Book Day logo
6 World Book Day activities for EYFS, KS1 & KS2
Celebrate World Book Day with these fun ideas for children of all ages – get a free book, join a reading group, raise money for charity and more!
Little red riding hood costume for World Book Day
No-sew costumes for World Book Day
As the children get excited over book week, it can leave us parents feeling more than a little stressed! Time-poor and not at all sewing-savvy Phoebe Doyle has some simple suggestions for effective World Book Day costumes that won’t break the bank.
Magic e and split digraph rule
What is ‘magic e’ or a split digraph?
The way children learn to spell using phonics and phonetic terminology can cause utter bewilderment to parents trying their best to help at home. Primary teacher Phoebe Doyle is on hand to explain the ‘magic e’, or split digraph.
Young boy reading books
Book-bored to bookworm: expert tips to get your child reading
Worried that your child always chooses screen time over books? Mum and teacher Phoebe Doyle asks the experts about turning your child into a busy bookworm.
KS1 boy doing spelling homework
Teachers’ tips to make tricky spellings easy
Does making your child prepare for the weekly spelling test make your heart sink? Forget mindless drilling – primary teacher and preparing-for-spelling-tests veteran Phoebe Doyle has found ways to take some of the stress out of learning tricky words.
Mother reading with kids
How to create a reading-friendly home
Switch off the screens and help make reading a fun, relaxing and engaging pastime for your child by implementing these expert tips from primary school teacher and parent Phoebe Doyle.
Mother and daughter reading together
10 ways to bring books to life for your child
Want to encourage your child to read more, but not sure where to start? We speak to education experts about how you can turn reading from a homework chore into a favourite activity.
Boy learning phonics sounds
Phonics and sounds explained
Wondering what those noises that your child has been chanting to you are? They're probably practising their phonics sounds – we explain what the sounds of phonics are, and how you can help your child learn them in Reception and beyond.
Boy writing at desk
9 fun writing projects to boost literacy skills
Stories aren’t just for reading – teachers regularly use a story as a starting point to engage children in many writing activities that cover a wide range of objectives. Here, education writer Phoebe Doyle gives you a few suggestions for doing the same at home.
Comic strip
Storytelling ideas for Key Stage 2
Stimulate your child's storytelling skills with these unusual literacy activities.
Mother and daughter reading
Your phonics questions answered
Do you understand how your child is learning to read? We asked the experts to demystify phonics teaching and give you some practical tips to support your child’s learning. You'll also find links to phonics worksheets, games and activities.
Boy reading comic book
5 ways to boost your early reader's confidence
Your early reader may be steaming ahead but you can give them an extra boost with a few easy strategies, says Jackie Cosh. Start today!
Dad reading with son
Develop your child's literacy skills in the early years
Supporting kids’ literacy skills at home is a key factor in helping them to become accomplished readers with broad vocabularies. Get started today!
Child genius doing maths at blackboard
Should children be able to read and write before they start school?
Emily Organ asks if parents should be educating their children at home before their school days have even begun.
Little girl reading
Storytelling for Early Years Foundation Stage children
When it comes to storytelling, children are naturally gifted. Find a range of activities here to support your Early Years Foundation Stage child's storytelling skills.
Pencils and sharperner
Literacy and numeracy in the Foundation Stage
Literacy and numeracy underpin all Key Stages, so help your child get off to a good start with these top tips and resources.
Alphabet letter magnets
9 spelling strategies from real parents
Helping your child master spelling starts in Reception and continues throughout the primary years. Lucy Dimbylow asked real parents for their top tips on making learning spellings fun.
Boys giggling over a book
Storytelling support for Key Stage 1 children
Help develop your Key Stage 1 child's storytelling skills with these great activities.
Girl struggling with reading
Homework tips for children with dyslexia
The British Dyslexia Association shares tips to help make doing homework a calm and productive process for your dyslexic child.
Child in Willy Wonka costume BigStock
Roald Dahl Day: five ways to celebrate
While there’s always a reason to enjoy and celebrate the amazing books that Roald Dahl wrote, make a special effort on Roald Dahl Day to organise phizz-whizzingly brilliant activities and scrumdiddlyumptious treats!