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Starting school articles

Cycling the school run
Starting school: what Year 6 parents think you should know
What tips would experienced Year 6 parents pass on to families whose children are just about to start Reception? Lucy Dimbylow asked seasoned mums for their pearls of wisdom on surviving – and enjoying! – the primary-school journey.
Equal preference explained
What is the equal preference system?
How do schools take your rankings into account when you apply for a place? We explain how equal preference works.
What is an independent school?
What is an independent school?
Considering sending your child to a private school? We give you the lowdown on the independent education sector.
Applying to primary schools for parents
Your starting school action plan
From finding out about your local schools to making your application and beyond, we talk you through the process of signing your child up for primary school.
Primary school appeals
Primary school appeals: a step-by-step guide
Finding out your child hasn’t got a place at your preferred primary school can be devastating. We explain how to appeal the decision with our step-by-step guide to what to do when.
Reception assessment tests explained for parents
Reception baseline assessment tests explained for parents
The Reception Baseline Assessment was introduced in September 2021. We explain what the assessment looks like and how the results are used in our parents' guide.
Prepare your child for primary school
How to prepare your child for primary school
What do tiny four- and five-year-olds really need to know before they start Reception? We asked experts, teachers and mums what you can do at home to prepare them – and what is best left to the professionals!
Number puzzles
12 great benefits of maths challenges
Maths activities could give your child’s learning a boost in many ways, and help them engage with numbers (and enjoy it!) from a young age. Lucy Dimbylow offers 12 reasons to give number puzzles a go today.
Reception child reading
Starting school: keeping up the momentum in Reception year
So they’ve flown the nest... well, until the school run that is! Primary-school teacher (and parent of a Reception child) Phoebe Doyle offers some advice on keeping motivation maxed and avoiding tears during this most crucial of school years.
Topsy and Tim Start School
Best books about starting school
‘Big School’ can seem like an overwhelming place to Reception starters. Make the school-gates goodbyes a little easier by helping your child find out all about school, from lunch boxes to reading corners and name pegs. Here’s our pick of the best starting-school reads to look through together.
Schoolgirls writing
Beat back-to-school nerves
Many children feel a bit nervous about the start of a new school year, but for some, the jitters continue beyond the first few days. Here’s how to help your child de-stress if they’re finding going back to school a struggle.
Name label
Best labelling solutions for school
Wish there was a labels fairy to transform the uniform pile into a neat stack of personalised clothing? Whether you’re super-organised and spread your labelling over the holidays or prone to last-minute panics and label-sewing all-nighters, these products are designed to help you get the job done – and look great, too.
Little girl reading
Reading primary school Ofsted reports: teacher tips for parents
Whilst many of us don’t get to actually choose which primary school our children go to, it always helps to be well informed about a school’s ethos and achievements. Teacher and education writer Phoebe Doyle offers advice on reading Ofsted reports, questions to ask and what to look out for during school visits.
Little girl drawing
5 things you must do to get your child ready for primary school
You've got the primary school place you've been waiting for and have just fired off that acceptance slip. What can you do now to get your child ready for primary school? Camilla Chafer shares her top tips.
Family lying on the floor looking happy
Great games to prepare your child for school
Play helps children learn more about themselves and the world around them; it's so important that it’s a key part of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Annemarie Flanagan asks the experts about the best games to play to help prepare children for school – the fun way.
Smiling face on blackboard
How to settle your child into nursery and school
A happy, confident child is every parent's goal. We find the solutions to the questions you want to ask about your child starting nursery and school.
Girl in uniform doing up her shoes
Starting school: the first day
Make your child’s very first day at school a success with a few tips from experienced parents. Reception, here we come!
Little school girl tying shoelaces
Starting school: 10 tips for a good first day
You want to give your child the best possible start in school. Read on for easy tips to help.
Child genius doing maths at blackboard
Should children be able to read and write before they start school?
Emily Organ asks if parents should be educating their children at home before their school days have even begun.
Girl in uniform with backpack
Expert tips on settling your child into school
Antonia Chitty, author of ‘What To Do When Your Child Hates School’, gives her best advice on settling your child at school.
Boy writing at desk
Parents reveal how they prepared their children for school
Starting school is a major milestone in any child’s (and parent’s) life, and preparing for it can feel like a daunting task. TheSchoolRun’s Amy Schofield looks at ways to prepare your child for school life.
Girl smiling in class
Handy help choosing a school
Selecting a primary or secondary school for your child? We take a look at the factors that you should be considering to make sure you pick the best match for your child.
Children playing
What is the Early Years Foundation Stage?
Get the lowdown on what Foundation Stage learning is all about and what your child will be expected to know.
Little girl concentrating on her work
What your child learns in the Early Years Foundation Stage
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is the programme which must be followed in all childcare settings from birth to five years, so for schools this means nursery and Reception.
Teacher and children
8 things you must do to lay the foundations of a great school year
Want to know how to get your child off to a flying start next term? Who better to ask than the experts! Wendy Golledge quizzed eight primary school teachers for their tips on preparing your child for the school year ahead.
'Back to school' written on blackboard
Back to school tips
When those blissful weeks of the summer holidays are drawing to a close, here’s what you can do to help your child get back in gear for school.