Ks1 Science worksheets
Free worksheets: Science, KS1, Y2
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Investigating animal homes
Think about all the ways our houses protect us. Now think about animals or bugs living in your garden or house. Where do animals and bugs like to live? Draw a picture and/or write the name of their home. Cut out all the cards and make two piles, one for creature cards and one for house cards; mix them up. Pick one card from each pile. Would a mouse like to live in a fish pond? Would a frog like to live in a bee hive? Why?
Bird watch
Have a look at the different trees in your neighbourhood and find one birds like to land in. Why might the birds have chosen that tree? Does it have a nest in? Then draw a picture of the tree and label your picture with all the reasons why you think this is a good tree for birds to nest in.
What is good food?
A cutting and sticking activity to help children understand which foods belong to which group.
How an electrical circuit works
A worksheet designed to illustrate the fact that a circuit must be complete for electricity to flow and a bulb to work.
My bean growing diary
Your child will enjoy growing their own bean and keeping a record of its progress with this fun diary.
How an electrical circuit works
A worksheet designed to illustrate the fact that a circuit must be complete for electricity to flow and a bulb to work.
Which is the best insulator?
An experiment for children to do at home, which will illustrate the meaning of insulation.
Planning a healthy diet
A simple but effective worksheet that will introduce your child to the idea of a balanced diet.
Ice cube investigation
An investigation comparing the difference between an ice cube melting in air and an ice cube melting in water.
Materials to build a house
This worksheet encourages children to think about what materials they would need to build a house and why.
What material is it made of?
Your child will develop their knowledge of materials and their properties with this fun to do worksheet.
Investigating forces - pushes
An investigation into the effect of pushing various objects. This includes extension activities to encourage your child to investigate further.
Learning about living things: using a microscope
The complexity of nature is studied in intricate detail using a digital microscope in this fascinating science activity for EYFS and KS1 children.
It is aimed at Key Stage 1 and EYFS pupils and should be done with a parent or carer.
It is aimed at Key Stage 1 and EYFS pupils and should be done with a parent or carer.
What plants need to grow
An experiment that combines having fun with learning all about what plants need to grow.
Investigating forces - air power
A worksheet to suggest a fun experiment looking at the effect of air power on different objects.
Create habitats for wildlife
A worksheet encouraging your child to design their own area that will encourage wildlife.
Make a pinwheel
Making a pinwheel will help your child understand air power, as well as offering a great opportunity for a spot of decoration. You'll need a push pin or straight pin and a pencil with a rubber on the end as well as our pinwheel template.