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Year 2 worksheets

Writing analogue time football worksheet

Writing analogue time

Each of these boxes show the times that different matches are starting. Can you help the players to get to their matches on time by drawing the correct times on the clock faces?
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Writing a short story about football

Writing a short story

Write about a time when you played or watched a football game. Use the word bank below to help you with spellings.
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Using connectives football worksheet

Using connectives

Connectives join two parts of a long sentence together. Look at these five connectives. Which ones fit best in the following sentences?
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Using commas to separate items in a list football worksheet

Using commas to separate items in a list

When you write a list of objects in a sentence you need to use commas to separate them. Can you add the commas into these sentences? Remember, you don’t need a comma before ‘and’!
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Statement, question, exclamation or command? Football worksheet

Statement, question, exclamation or command?

Are these sentences statements, questions, exclamations or commands? Cut them out and sort them into four piles
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Selecting adjectives football worksheet

Selecting adjectives

Can you make these sentences more interesting by using the adjective bank at the bottom of the page? Cut out all the adjectives so that you can move them around, then stick them down when you are happy with your sentences.
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Pick the correct homophone football worksheet

Pick the correct homophone

Homophones are pairs of words that sound the same, but are spelled differently and have different meanings. Cut out these words and put them in the sentences in the correct places.
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Finding half and a quarter of a quantity football worksheet

Finding half and a quarter of an amount

Use this fractions of amounts worksheet to help your child understand finding half and a quarter of an amount.
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Finding 2D and 3D shapes football worksheet

Finding 2D and 3D shapes

Look at these pictures. Can you spot the 2D and 3D shapes listed? Once you find them, write the names over the top of each shape. Make sure you copy the spellings correctly!
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Calculate the price football worksheet

Calculate the price

Look at the following items on sale at a football match. The coins next to each item shows how much it costs. Can you write down the price of the item under each one?
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Apostrophes for possession football worksheet

Apostrophes for possession

When we are showing that something belongs to someone we use an apostrophe. Look at these sentences about football and add in the missing apostrophes.
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Apostrophes for missing letters football worksheet

Apostrophes for missing letters

Sometimes we want to shorten words when we’re speaking or writing. When we miss letters out, we replace them with an apostrophe (contractions). Look at the red words in this passage. Can you write them as contractions?
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Answering questions on a pictogram football worksheet

Answering questions on a pictogram

Look at this pictogram, which shows the number of goals scored by Premier League teams in one week, and then answer the questions.
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Square words wordsearch

Square words wordsearch

Can you find all these Goldilocks-themed words in the wordsearch?
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Number crossword: days and time

Number crossword: days and time

Fill this like an ordinary crossword, except the answers are numbers not words.
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Mini word Sudoku

Mini word Sudoku 4 x 4

Put the letters from the word EASY in the squares so that each column, row, and mini-grid contains all the letters that make up the word.
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Double letter: opposites puzzle

Double letter: opposites

Cross out the letters that are in the grid twice. The letters that are left will spell two words that are opposites.
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Rhyming words: creatures word puzzle

Rhyming words: creatures word puzzle

Practise your rhyming and spelling skills by thinking of names of animals that rhyme with each of these words. There could be more than one answer... how many can you identify?
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Number Bond Snap

Number Bond Snap

Make number bond recall fun for Y1, Y2 and above with a game of Number Bond Snap. All you need is an ordinary pack of cards and a competitive streak!
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Maths card games for KS1 and KS2

Maths card games for KS1 and KS2

Playing with cards might seem old-fashioned in our screen-loving age, but maths card games will help your child become fluent and confident with numbers – without them even realising they're exercising their maths thinking brain. From number bonds to fractions and probability, try some of our traditional or adapted card games to practise basic maths concepts.
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