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Year 6 Maths worksheets

Read, write and order large numbers

Read, write and order seven-digit numbers

In the grid, fill all the gaps in by writing the words in numbers or digits (depending on what is missing). Then cut the numbers out and put them in order, from smallest to largest.
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Multiplying pairs of fractions worksheet

Multiplying pairs of fractions

A Year 6 maths worksheet created by an experienced teacher to help teach your child how to multiply two fractions. Try to work these out using the above method. Don’t forget to simplify your answers as the end!
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Multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 speed challenge

Multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 speed challenge

Are you feeling fast? Try this multiplication and division speed challenge...
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Multiplication problems using long multiplication worksheet

Multiplication problems using long multiplication

A Year 6 maths worksheet created by an experienced teacher to help your child practise using the long multiplication method.
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Fractions: addition and subtraction worksheet

Adding and subtracting fractions worksheet

Can you add and subtract fractions? See if you can work out the answers to these calculations in this teacher-created maths worksheet...
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Dividing large numbers with the long division method

Using long division with large numbers

To divide four-digit numbers by two-digit numbers, it is best to use long division. You need to be clear on short division (the ‘bus stop method’) before you do this! Can you use long division to work out these questions?
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Displaying information as a pie chart worksheet

Interpreting a pie chart worksheets

Our downloadable pie chart worksheets are designed to help children understand data on whole numbers, fractions and percentages. This worksheet guides your child through the process of interpreting data represented in pie charts and encourages them to create their own.
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Compare and order fractions worksheet

Compare and order fractions

If we need to compare or order fractions with different denominators, we need to change the denominators so they are the same. Can you use this method to answer these tricky questions?
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Common factors, common multiples and prime numbers puzzles

Common factors, common multiples and prime numbers puzzles

KS2 maths number puzzle worksheet created by a teacher to help children practise common factors, common multiples and prime numbers.
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Calculating the mean average worksheet

Calculating the mean average

The mean is the average of a set of numbers. To find the mean, we add up all the numbers and divide them by the number of values in the set. Can you calculate the mean in these problems?
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Recognise equivalent proportions worksheet

Recognise equivalent proportions

If the equivalence is correct, use the “correct” letter in the riddle below; if it is incorrect use the “incorrect” letter.
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Ratio investigation worksheet

Ratio investigation

Cut out your red circles (these will act as counters). One side is red, the other side is white. How many different ratios can you show with these counters? Now flip the counters to find more ratios. When you’ve finished… How many did you find?
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Proportion dominoes

Proportion dominoes

Cut out these dominoes cards and see if you can match them up. Be careful, some proportions might be simplified (for example, 2/3 blue could mean 4 blue out of 6 altogether).
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Finding percentages with a percentage pod worksheet

Finding percentages with a percentage pod

Do you know how to use a percentage pod? Use a percentage pod to calculate theses percentages.
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Estimate the price game

Estimate the price game

This is a game for 2 to 4 players. The aim of the game is to correctly estimate the correct price of an item. The game host holds all the item cards. Players are assigned an item and take it in turns to guess the price. The person closest to the correct answer ‘wins’ that item and is given the card. The first person with 3 cards wins!
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Complex Venn diagrams worksheet

Complex Venn diagrams

Can you read and use all kinds of Venn diagrams? Try these more complex diagrams and questions to extend your understanding.
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Calculating discounts worksheet

Calculating discounts

Play this quick calculation game with a partner. Take it in turns to turn over an item card and a percentage card. Work out how much money you are saving on each item by calculating the discount percentage. After three rounds, the person who has saved the most money wins.
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Pie chart practice worksheet

Pie chart practice

Mrs Herbert asked the children in 6KH how they travelled to school. Can you draw a pie chart to show the most popular mode of transport?
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Miles and kilometres conversions worksheet

Miles and kilometres conversions

This family are off on their holidays. They have driven all the way to France. They are used to checking their speed using miles but in France the road signs are in kilometres! Can you help them work out how fast they can drive by converting the kilometres into miles? Your answers can be approximate.
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How to construct a pie chart

How to construct a pie chart

An ice-cream seller kept a record of the ice-cream sold in his shop over a week. Can you draw a pie chart to show the most popular ice-cream?
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