6 World Book Day activities for EYFS, KS1 & KS2

Get a free book
In honour of World Book Day, students are eligible to receive a free £1 Book Token that can buy one of the specially-published World Book Day £1 Books, or be used towards the cost of other books at participating bookshops and book clubs. Last year over 1.2 million World Book Day book tokens were redeemed!
Swap books
Share books you’ve read with other readers – young and old – through book swaps. Have everyone in a classroom or workplace bring in unwanted books, pile them together and let people take what they like. Alternatively, try an online book-sharing and gifting site and exchange books you've read for new stories.

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- For Year 1 to Year 6
Join a reading group
Getting together to talk about books isn’t just for adults – children have plenty to say about the books they read too! Encourage them to read more and to find new and interesting details in what they read by joining up with a free reading group such as Chatterbooks, led by The Reading Agency. Chatterbooks (for 8-11-year-olds) began in public libraries, but some schools now take part as well. Leaders get materials and ideas on how to make the group fun and engaging.
Watch The Biggest Book Show on Earth
See writers and illustrators talking about your favourite books in short videos and watch virtual author workshops on the World Book Day website.
Listen to a story
One of the best things you can do on World Book Day is read a book! Have a special storytime at home and read your child’s favourite book together, or go online and listen to stories and watch book-related videos for children of all ages on the World Book Day website.
Dress up for charity
Why not turn your World Book Day celebrations into a chance to fundraise for a worthy cause? Book Aid International sends half a million books to community, public, school and academic libraries in sub-Saharan Africa every year. UK primary schoolers can help out by donating £2 when they dress up as their favourite book character, which helps children in Africa have access to those same books they love. Check out Book Aid International’s other fundraising ideas, including the Big Booky Breakfast.
World Book Day costume ideas
Need some World Book Day costume inspiration? Buy an outfit for your little Peter Pan or princess, or whip up a no-sew wonder this evening.

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