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National Children's Bureau The NCB is the leading national charity which supports children, young people, families and those who work with them. They aim to improve the well-being of children and young people across every aspect of their lives.

Family and Childcare Trust An independent charity that exists to make the UK a better place for children and families. They offer practical support for families and run campaigns to build a family friendly society. 

Pacey (Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years) Provides information about childminders and shows you how to find a registered childminder in your area.It also gives information on employing nannies.Information for those considering becoming registered childminders is provided. 

Gingerbread Gives practical support and advice to single parents.They also campaign to improve the lives of single parent families.They offer courses for single parents hoping to get back into work.

Family Lives A charity that offer free, non-judgmental support and advice to all members of the family. They respond when family life becomes complicated regarding for example: family breakdown, aggression in the home, bullying at school, risky teenage behaviour and mental health concerns of both parents and their children.

Working Families Helps working parents and carers achieve a good work-life balance. It gives information about paternity leave for fathers and maternity leave for mothers.

Contact a family Support, advice and information for families with disabled children through a freephone helpline and free factsheets. They also offer one to one linking of families affected by particular conditions.

ICAN This organisation supports children who have speech and language difficulties. It gives information about DVDs, books and special schools that can support your child. They offer courses for practitioners who want to work with children with such difficulties.

Young Minds Trust Promotes the mental and emotional wellbeing of children and young people and brings together an alliance of those in health, education, social services, and youth justice. 



Advisory Centre for Education (ACE) Charity giving independent advice to parents / carers of children in state-funded schools who are experiencing issues such as bullying, SEN, admissions to and exclusions from school. 

Department for Education This is the official Department for Education website which gives information on current policies and statistics in education. It also gives information on different types of schools and how they are organised. 

Eleven Plus Exam Papers Practice materials, epapers and preparation for 11+ and 12+ selection, grammar school selection, independent and private school selection and common entrance exams.

TES Resources A renowned worldwide network for teachers with over 100,000 teaching resources. Free to join.


Special Educational Needs (SEN)

The National Association for Special Educational Needs (NASEN) NASEN promotes the education, development and training of all who work with those with special educational needs and can assist parents with getting further help on or assessment of particular disabilities or learning needs. 

ADDiSS Provides information, training and support on ADHD and related learning and behavioural difficulties.They offer books and resources to help adults who need to support children with ADHD.

Hyperactive Children's Support Group (HACSG) Britain's leading proponent of a dietary approach to managing hyperactivity and ADHD.It gives information about different nutritional approaches to help alleviate the symptoms of ADHD and provides information about workshops. 

The National Autistic Society This organisation provides information, support and services for people with autism. They campaign for the rights and needs of people with autism and Aspergers syndrome and also run six schools for children with autism.

SEBDA - The Social, Emotional and Behavioural Disorder Association Informs, supports and campaigns for those who work with children and young people identified as disaffected, disruptive or with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. 

AFASIC - Association for All Speech and Language Impaired Children Afasic was founded in 1968 as a parent-led organisation to help children and young people with speech and language impairments and their families. They provide information and training for parents and produce a range of publications. 

British Dyslexia Association Offers a range of services such as advice and support through training, networks, a helpline, website and membership structure. 

BILD - British Institute of Learning Disabilities Aims to improve the lives of people by influencing policy and decision makers, and encouraging good practice among practitioners from a wide range of disciplines. 

Stamma (British Stammering Association) For children and adults who stammer, run by people who stammer, with a mission to support and carry out research, identify and promote effective therapy, offer support and promote awareness and good practice. 

DELTA - Deaf Education through Listening and Talking Works with parents, family members and professionals to help deaf children to listen and talk so they can reach their full potential educationally. 

Down Syndrome Education International World-leader in research into the cognitive development and education of children with Down syndrome. Publishes information, practical guidance, organises conferences and workshops, and provides advocacy and consultancy services.

Dyslexia Action Leading provider of support and services for people with dyslexia and literacy difficulties. Specialises in assessment, teaching and training, and also develops and distributes materials and undertakes research. 

Dyspraxia Foundation Works to increase understanding of dyspraxia particularly among professionals in health and education.

Foundation for People with Learning Difficulties Works to promote social inclusion, provide help services and to undertake research on behalf of people with learning disabilities. 

MENCAP The leading charity for children and adults with learning difficulties and their families. Fights for their rights, campaigns for greater opportunities and challenges attitudes and prejudice. 

The Williams Syndrome Foundation First point of contact for affected individuals and their families needing support. Also leads on research and publications on the educational, behavioural, social, scientific and medical aspects of the syndrome. 

British Deaf Association - Sign Community The only charity in the UK run by deaf people and represents the sign language community, united by shared experiences, history and British Sign Language (BSL), now officially recognised as a British language and spoken by 250,000 people in the UK. 

The Cochlear Implanted Children’s Support Group Provides support for the parents of deaf children and young people with cochlear implants. These are implants that are surgically implanted and bring new potential for communication, speech and education and social and employment opportunities. 

National Deaf Children's Society Dedicated to providing support, information and advice through a free helpline, regional family support workers, information on welfare rights, benefits, education, health, audiology and technology. 

Sense A pioneering and innovative charity that works with deaf-blind and multi-sensory impaired children of all ages, their families and the professionals who support them. Services include assessment, tailor-made support, curriculum advice, adaptations that promote inclusion and a wide range of training courses and activities. 

AbilityNet Comprehensive range of services in the use of information technology for people with all types of disabling conditions. Provides individual assessment of technology needs.

The Children's Trust Provides care, education and therapy to children with multiple disabilities and complex health needs through a unique combination of skills and experience in education, care and therapy.