Exams and revision

Is your child about to sit SATs or other school exams? Whether they are due to sit the 7+, the 11+ or Common Entrance, you’ll find great revision tips to get your child off to a confident start.
From creating a revision timetable, to finding a learning style that suits your child, and techniques for keeping nerves at bay on the big day, we’ve got lots of information for you to pass on to your child. Exams are a fact of life, and the more help you can give your child to establish good revision habits early on, the better they will fare with the really important exams they’ll sit in secondary school and beyond.

Key Stage 1 SATS revision course and Key Stage 2 SATS revision course
Be sure your child has covered all the learning objectives they are required to have mastered by the time they sit their Key Stage 1 or 2 SATs test (in the Summer term of Year 2 and Year 6 respectively). Work through the course of worksheets that cover all the core topics that could come up in the test to improve your child's chances of success and boost their confidence before SATs.
Everything you need to prepare your child for SATs
You'll find lots of resources on TheSchoolRun to help your child prepare for their SATs including:
- KS1 and KS2 SATs past papers – the official past papers
- KS1 SATs papers – exclusively created for TheSchoolRun
- KS2 maths SATs practice papers and KS2 English SATS practice papers – mock papers, exclusively created for TheSchoolRun
- KS1 SATs revision course and KS2 SATs revision course – a programme of worksheets covering all the core learning objectives that your child has to master for the tests
- Maths SATs and English SATs: your revision helper
- SATs revision planner – get your child off to a confident start with these expert revision tips
- Countdown to SATs action plan – a 6-week plan to get your child ready
- Your guide to KS1 SATs success – a beginner's guide to the Year 2 tests
- Your guide to KS2 SATs success – tips, tricks and practical suggestions
- SATs: Practice Makes Perfect – everything you need to know to help your child prepare in one compehensive eBook
Verbal and non-verbal reasoning: an introduction
If your child is in the last years of primary school you might be thinking about selection tests like the 11+ and how to prepare for them. To help you decide on your approach we've put together an introduction to verbal and non-verbal reasoning, with expert tips, advice and practice questions and answers for you and your child.
You can also find out more in our parents' guides:

SATs: Practice Makes Perfect
Our hugely popular SATs eBook SATs: Practice Makes Perfect has been written especially for all parents whose children are due to sit their SATs. In plain, straightforward language it tells you everything you need to know to help your child prepare for their exams, covering both Key Stage 1 and 2.
Year 4 times tables test
From 2020, all Y4 children in England will have their multiplication skills formally tested in the summer term.
We explain the format of the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) and have some online mock MTC practice tests to boost your child's confidence.