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What our subscribers say...

If you'd like to subscribe to TheSchoolRun but want to find out what others think first, here is some of the feedback we've received from parents who use TheSchoolRun site to support their children's learning at home.

Scroll down the page to see feedback about specific sections of the site.

And thank you to everyone who completed our recent survey. The great news is...

95% of users gave TheSchoolRun 4 or 5 stars!

You can read some of the feedback we got in the 'Feedback from our latest survey' section below, or find out more about some of the parents who subscribe to TheSchoolRun (and why they recommend it to other parents) in our case studies section.

What parents say...

Trustpilot 5* review

This is an excellent resource, for anybody looking to understand more about the curriculum that your children are studying and add some extra support at home, highly recommended by a parent of two children who use this from reception to year 4. Anne-Marie Allman's 5-star review on Trustpilot

I like to be able to search for the topic my daughter is covering and find easy-to-use worksheets that explain the subject quickly & clearly.  After trying out a few different resources TheSchoolRun does the best without a shadow of a doubt.’ – Melissa, Stockton-on-Tees

Your site has been fantastic and I have been recommending you to everyone I know. It’s not only teaching my little one things, it’s showing me how things should’ve been done when I was younger. I do wish you were around then, as your content is fantastic and my little boy looks forward to your daily worksheets. Learning definitely made fun.

People are so quick to moan these days, so I wanted to send an email to sing my praises. You’ve helped me become more organised with the schedule of things, but without the pressure I was putting myself under before. We have fun and learn.' – Katie, Sevenoaks

Having taught in primary schools for 40 years I still found your support a useful tool and a source of new and helpful information. You made my tutoring sessions a fun and successful way to learn. Many many thanks for being there for me. – Patricia, Essex

– Cindy, on Facebook

Your site is an absolute life saver and my son is already reaping the rewards. – Miss Jamieson, Hove

One click after the other, I realised that all the info I have ever needed over the years was here, in ONE place!  It blows my mind how I hadn’t found your website earlier! The info is clear, practical and easy to find. It really helps knowing that you are all mums. And it shows that you have clearly been there before! – Sabrina, London

Thank you for providing a much-needed service for parents and one which really represented good value for money. I particularly loved your handwriting sections and the ‘Learning Journey’ links that you have created. There are not many services I would pay to subscribe to, and even less I would recommend, but yours is one which I did!' – Nicola, Aberdeenshire

I genuinely don't know what I would do without TheSchoolRun. Every day when my son gets home he downloads his day and if he mentions anything like 'chunking' or 'adverbial phrases' I am straight on to your site to check what he means! I'm using it at least four times a week. Superb resource – keep up the excellent work. – Claire, Kent

Your web site is impressive and professional. It is obvious that the worksheets and advice are delivered by qualified primary school teachers. I would go as far as saying it is the best and most up-to-date educational site in the UK. – Barbara, retired Deputy Head Teacher, Bury St Edmonds

Brilliant website. Has all the information I need about what is being taught at school and how it's being taught. The worksheets are in line with what the kids are learning in school. – Survey respondent

TheSchoolRun worksheets are so colourful, crafty, interactive and fun, that they are the first resource our children (6 & 7) presently go-to without much direction at all!’ – Pinar, home-educating mum

I have been so impressed with TheSchoolRun and have really enjoyed completing your weekly worksheets with my two older children. Wanted to say a huge well done to you all as I think it's a great site and resource. – Claire, London

Wow you constantly keep exceeding my expectations thank you! – Kimberly, London

TheSchoolRun has saved me countless times when I am confused as to how to help my children on a number of topics. My maths has also improved tremendously due to the simple and fun way employed by TheSchoolRun to teach seemingly complex topics. I can't thank you enough. My children and I are blessed with the discovery of the site. It is our magic wand to excellence. – Oyebola

Of all the resources we searched last year, TheSchoolRun became our "go to" site. – Ruth, Worcestershire

I am forever grateful for this amazing website and the team of course. My son scored 40/40 in his phonics assessment test in Year 1 and we used all the practice tests from the site. He was speech delayed and quite behind in Reception, but the easy-to-use and targeted worksheets in line with the curriculum helped him a lot and he is now one of the brightest kids in his class in Year 2. – Musfirah, Kent

We found TheSchoolRun collateral very useful, timely, fun and relevant for our Y6 child. He went on to attain superb SATs results, with all the hard work definitely making a huge difference. – Neil , Warrington

I loved that the 11+ Programme built up each skill slowly but you knew that everything would be covered by the end. – Christine

I would like to say what an amazing website you have created with fantastic resources, I currently teach Year 1 and your resources have been so helpful. – Karen, Guisborough

A priceless resource for modern day parents trying to help their children through those ever changing school years. – Hannah-Marie, Surrey

Thank you very much. It proved to be an invaluable resource when I was homeschooling and worth every penny. – Isabel, Harrow

TheSchoolRun Learning Packs – I love these! I downloaded a lot of them because they are worth the subscription price alone. The comprehension and handwriting books I honestly found a lot more worthwhile than others I’ve bought from Amazon. They are fun, visual, and actually appealing to kids. – Wendy

I like TheSchoolRun as it has such a wealth of information relating to many topics, with the child always at the centre... My children have responded well to the worksheets, which present simple exercises in a new way. My son especially likes to feel that he can do all the exercises and this is building his confidence. Keep up the good work!  – Cheryl

TheSchoolRun is an Aladdin's cave of primary school information! – A Patel, London

My children love doing the worksheets and activities. We call it our 'Clever Clogs club.' – Survey respondent

I find your site VERY user friendly. Even the signing up process is simple compared to every single site I've tried before (and they didn't meet most of my needs). I was delighted when I found this site as it contains everything I was looking for. It has everything!!!!! I would highly recommend this site to my friends. – Inoka, Windsor

The array of resources on the website gives me confidence that I can support my children's learning at home without adding additional pressure. – Sarah, West Midlands.

I would like to thank you for an AMAZING programme that you operate. My granddaughter and I have loved working through the worksheets and online advice that you provide. You and your team have certainly lifted her knowledge to a new level of confidence. – Carol, West Sussex

My older son looked up volcanoes today on the Homework Gnome and your info was very interesting, stuck to the essential facts (too much is daunting) and easy to read – fab! – Helen, Nottingham

I used your KS1 Easter activities pack this morning with my 7-year-old daughter and 5-year-old son. I have to say that the pack is brilliant. The kids loved the mix of English, Maths and Science stuff with an Easter spin on all of it. They were able to work together on all of the activities. We only got through about half of the activities this morning so there are plenty left and I would definitely recommend the pack to anyone with kids of the same age over the Easter period. 5 stars! – Roddy, Northern Ireland.

Today I got out their non-verbal reasoning books from school. Within seconds wails of, "I can't do these" and slumps of hopelessness filled the kitchen so we turned to TheSchoolRun. Several of your sheets later and we have a nine year old who now "gets it". We'll keep using your sheets to build his confidence before returning to the official books. THANK YOU – such a relief to be able to help him through and see his mindset change. Claire, Hampshire

Thank you for all your extraordinary materials that have made working with my Year 6 child such a pleasure. – Yolanda, London

About the site in general...

Upgraded to a School Lifetime subscription as TheSchoolRun – it really works. I don’t use it every week out of disorganisation rather than planning but when there is a topic the children are struggling with we use the relevant sheets and in the holidays we do the term books to check there’s nothing they didn’t understand. I also use the parent info for understanding of a topic – i.e they were a life saver when it came to place value as I had no idea what that was. Worth every penny in my book. – Claire, Hampshire

TheSchoolRun is a fantastic resource and full of very useful information re the ever changing school curriculum. A huge thank you to you and your team. – Kathy, Twickenham

I had looked at many sites before I finally subscribed to TheSchoolRun. Your site really is a cut above the rest. It is thorough and follows a straight-forward structure for parents who can become overwhelmed by the variety of resources and which they should be using to complement and build on learning at school. – Tasleema, Birmingham

We are absolutely loving TheSchoolRun and can't believe the amount of resources you have made accessible to us at the click of a button. Means more valuable time spent helping the girls with areas they are struggling with instead of wasting time searching the Internet! – Bernie, Saudi Arabia

'With the extra help he's been getting, his maths has now come on amazingly!' Find out what Michele did to transform her son's maths performance...

I had long run out of ideas to tackle my daughter’s need for knowledge and she was bored at school but we have been able to access work at her own rate which she has loved and is now working at a level expected for two years higher than she is so thank you. – Sam

From my initial use of the site I must say that it is marvellous. My son, who is a nightmare to get to do any work, has actually been very enthusiastic about the worksheets. – Kim, Pinner

'There is just so much stuff on TheSchoolRun website that it would take me a week to write a more comprehensive review ... There’s tons of stuff on there to help with homework, handwriting, maths, science… You get the idea. Just tons of stuff, and full of expert advice too ... I loved all the handwriting help on this site, and I’ve read just about every article, watched every video, and listened to many OTs about how to help with handwriting, but there was stuff on here that was brand new to me ... We’ve downloaded at least one sheet a week from the maths area to complete my daughter’s homework. They are so visually appealing ... Her teacher has remarked on how well she’s been doing with her homework and it’s not nearly so much of a battle getting her to do one or two of these sheets a week as it was before we had TheSchoolRun in our lives.' – Read the full reivew at Dyspraxia Kids

Since I have been on this journey for the past year, my son has tremendously improved at school. He was struggling a lot and the teacher mentioned that he was a bit behind and not up to the expected standard required for his year. As a parent I was devastated and I didn't know where I was going wrong. Then a friend suggested I try TheSchoolRun. My son started to improve at school and he came home with an ACE card in maths! His end of term report indicates that he is now at the expected standard in all his topics at school. I am so pleased! Thank you so very much. Please don't stop what you are doing. – Omera, London

'One of their teachers even said to me: "I don’t know what you’re doing at home with your child, but it’s really showing in their progress at school!"'  Find out what Felicia was doing at home that prompted this praise from the class teacher...

It is an excellent resource for researching any part of the curriculum (maths and English) and clearly shows me how things are taught so that I can replicate the method at home. It means I am helping my child, not confusing her. – Survey respondent

All of the resources are great. If I come across something new to me (eg: ‘the Singapore Method’) I just look it up and 9 times out of 10, TheSchoolRun has information that explains and puts ideas in context for me. I use the weekly worksheet and Learning Journeys to structure lessons and support materials to gain and overall understanding of progression through topics such as subtraction or recent changes to the English and maths curriculum. – Survey respondent

Your website has been a godsend. After literally a night's work and a very helpful worksheet she has pretty much mastered long multiplication. One worksheet made all the difference. I look forward to now exploring your website. – Vickie, Leeds

I'm finding your site an absolutely fantastic resource alongside the stuff being sent from my son's school. We love being able to keep track of his progress on his Learning Journey checklist!’– Claire, Kent

Thank you so very much for all the help your site is giving myself to aid my daughter's education at home. Truly, it makes her day enjoyable, structured and continuous. – Julie, Northamptonshire

A big thank you to TheSchoolRun for putting in so much hard work, dedication and fun into the worksheets and content that you upload. – Nazia, Hampshire

I LOVEd the daily emails - they were actually the best thing about the subscription for me. Basically it reduced my thought for the day and gave me an early morning option that I could rely on. Thank you. - Vicky, St Albans

About our SATs and Phonics Screening Check resources...

I think your website is truly amazing and so cost effective especially compared to what's out there available to parents at present. I feel that only with the resources from your website was my daughter able to meet working within her level in both maths and English SATs.
I shall continue to spread the word, as I have done since finding you.' – Sharon, Birmingham

I am forever grateful for this amazing website and the team of course. My son scored 40/40 in his phonics assessment test in Year 1 and we used all the practice tests from the site. He was speech delayed and quite behind in Reception, but the easy-to-use and targeted worksheets in line with the curriculum helped him a lot and he is now one of the brightest kids in his class in Year 2. – Musfirah, Kent

Nick's son ended up getting amazing results on his Key Stage 2 SATs. Find out what his parents did to help him surpass all expectations...

It has been invaluable to help us to understand phonics. My daughter passed her phonics test with flying colours and I attribute this to the help from TheSchooRun. – Survey respondent

My youngest daughter is about to leave primary school and, with your help, she has transformed from a nervous wreck who cried for two weeks during KS1 SATs to a confident Y6 who took her KS2 SATs.' – Find out about the amazing SATs transformation Ruth saw in her daughter.

'After [The Phonics Screening Check] the teacher came up to me in the playground and told me he’d had his test. She said she couldn’t tell me how many he’d got right just then but he did really well … really well!' Find out more about how Sarah's son achieved amazing marks in his Phonics Screening Check...

Thank you for all your support. It was very beneficial for my daughter and helped her to get some really good results in her SATs . – Samina, Birmingham

'Their teacher was very pleased with their results, and particularly impressed by the improvement they’d made and the girls were really proud of themselves.' Discover how Anina got this great feedback about her daughter's KS1 SATs....

TheSchoolRun was invaluable to us with our older daughter when, 6 weeks from KS2 SATs, we needed to research the maths and English curriculum to identify gaps in her learning that we could help to fill. – Survey respondent

We found TheSchoolRun collateral very useful, timely, fun and relevant for our Y6 child. He went on to attain superb SATs results, with all the hard work definitely making a huge difference. – Neil , Warrington

My daughter is about to sit her SATs and in the practice sessions did not do too well, she came back from school disappointed and I said I would assist her in her learning. The website has been so helpful, the curriculum has changed so much from my school years and I have found the explanations especially in maths highly valuable. As a result of my experience I have recommended the site to a number of family members and work colleagues with children in primary years. – Lucy, Jersey

About the Learning Journey...

With the help of the Learning Journey programme my son, who is in Y3, is doing so well in both his maths & English that at his last parents' meeting they said he is now doing some Y4 work. It has increased his confidence and is keeping him focused. The worksheets are fun and colourful with just the right amount of work on them. – Caroline, Nottingham

Loving the Learning Journey. Today my eldest son came home with doubling maths homework but only two numbers. This week's worksheet is doubling but also includes three numbers. Hopefully when it comes to doubling three numbers at school then he may have a headstart. He is naturally good at numbers but is struggling with English especially comprehension. Hopefully this week's worksheets will help him to grasp the concept. Many thanks TheSchoolRun – you might just be my lifesaver to the homework blues! – A. Medley

I find the Learning Journey and progress checks particularly useful as I can home in on a particular Year and level - it saves me a great deal of time as I can simply download the relevant worksheet. – Survey respondent

I like the range of resources available and how they are organised. The worksheets are colourful and I like that they are interactive too so I don’t always need to print. – Elena, West Midlands 

I really find helpful those worksheets that TheSchoolRun sends every Wednesday [as part of the Learning Journey]; it does make my life easier to print and give as homework. I can get involved in what she is doing at school and lend a hand where I find a subject she needs to improve in. – Survey respondent

As a parent, I am keen to ensure an all-round focus for my daughter’s education. The quality of the content and the structure of the different areas of focus: Maths, English etc. allows for a structured plan for learning for my daughter. – Harish, Hounslow

I appreciate the timely reminders of what is available, prompting me to explore further, invariably download the weekly Learning Journey worksheets which my son is usually happy to complete, and appreciate the wide range of resources to which I have access whenever I have a specific need.  – Survey respondent

I have to thank you for having TheSchoolRun. My daughter had a giant leap in school the first time I used your programme. She is now in the gifted and talented group and in her recent GL assessment in year 4, she scored maximum score for math and english! – Wan Azliza, Malaysia

The Learning Journey is really useful as it provides activities by year group and is flexible. You can choose to help your child work through it, or just select areas that you feel would be of most benefit to them. – Survey respondent

About our 11+ Programme...

A parent following the 11+ Programme on TheSchoolRun could easily cover everything required, in a systematic way, and feel confident that they aren't missing anything.  Where TheSchoolRun adds the real value is in delivering exactly what people need, in a targeted way, so that people need only look at one resource rather than worrying if they are buying the right materials. – Alison, Kent

You would imagine that TheSchoolRun's weekly countdown to the 11+ would send you into a crazed frenzy every Friday, but surprisingly, it takes the uninitiated by the hand and gently guides you through unchartered waters with calm serenity. The activity sheets are superbly structured to introduce your child to the myriad of question types likely to appear in the test and how best to approach them. There are useful tips, game suggestions and colourful activity sheets to stimulate and encourage the student. The weekly installments demystify the unknown & by the end of the journey, you feel like a well versed traveller no longer lost in the 11+ wilderness. – Jenny, mum to Farrah, aged 10

'I loved that the 11+ Programme built up each skill slowly but you knew that everything would be covered by the end.' – Find out how following the 11+ Learning Journey programme helped Christine's daughter pass the 11+ test and get into the school of her choice.

Thank you so much for your help over the last year. My daughter has taken her 11+ and has thoroughly enjoyed your workbooks. Your help has made an arduous task fun, she's looked forward to it each week. – Juliette, Warwickshire

The 11+ Learning Journey was presented as a good package and there was no need to search as it was emailed every Friday. – Survey respondent

I subscribed because I wanted to help my son improve his chances of passing the 11+ exam. The materials helped immensely and his teachers noticed a marked improvement in his ability. – Survey respondent

TheSchoolRun's 11+ Learning Programme was very helpful as support material for the 11+ exams, which my daughter successfully passed. – Kemi, London

I bumped into your website through Google search as I was hunting for how to support my children's education. Coming from Africa with a Belgium system of education, I was quite lost with the English education system, but I was looking for a good place to start. My daughter was in Year 3 when I started following your programme and by Year 4 she was exceeding expectations at school and we were considering grammar schools for her. But then lockdown came and it was a disaster: it was really difficult to keep track of her learning as I was a frontline service worker during Covid .

'I lost hope and felt intimidated by mums whose children passed the 11+. I was so devastated as my daughter is bright and I felt I was failing to put her on the right track. But then [my Personal Account Manager] Michelle gave me a good push, encouraged me and told me there was still time to catch up. She got me set up with the 11+ programme and we worked through this during Year 5.

'And success! My daughter passed the 11+  and is now at her grammar school.

'I'm so grateful to you for helping families like mine.' – Pelagie, Middlesex

From teachers...

Sarah Bailey is Head at Ark Little Ridge Primary Academy, St Leonards-on-Sea

I am assistant head teacher at a primary school in Derby and am impressed with the site and what it has to offer, as are colleagues at my school. – David, Derby

Your website has given me so much more to add to my own experiences. Thank you so much. I am honest enough to say that your materials refresh and strengthen my teaching styles and your ideas are just awesome. – Annie, Leicestershire

I am a teacher and I have subscribed because I find your activities very straightforward and give helpful explanations for my class to use. I have also forwarded your details to all of my parents in my class as they are keen to help their children. I will continue recommending your site to my parents as I have explained to them this site is a lot better than a tutor and also a lot cheaper! – Jackie, Rowley Regis

I use TheSchoolRun as a parent in the capacity of supporting my daughter. I am a qualified primary teacher and find the resources good value for money, appealing to different learning styles and set well for ability and enjoyment. I find the site full of useful tips and advice that I use as a mum and in my role as a teacher. The resources are easy to find and regular emails keep me informed. – Liz

I work as a TA in a primary school and was keen to check the site out before I recommended it to our parents. Needless to say I have highly recommended you. What a fab thing you guys have done. I know some parents are a little reluctant to do what they see as 'school stuff' at home and these are the ones I'm hoping to encourage to join up. I know others will love the resources. – Helen, Northwich

Clear, concise and very helpful explanations on a range of subjects and topics, which have been a life saver on numerous occasions over the last year as a 'new-to-primary' teacher. – Survey respondent

I used to be a primary school teacher and I think this is an excellent home support resource. I will recommend it to others. – Laura, Newton Abbot

The quality of worksheets and variety of maths, English and science work is priceless to teachers who teach with passion and care, especially with the SEND children. I could not teach to everyone’s strengths if I didn’t have you. – June, Lancashire

Thank you for the best maths site online. I am an online teacher and it's invaluable to me. I have already recommended it to other online teachers as their primary resources. – Robynn, South Africa

I'm not a huge fan of extra homework, but I love the way your work materials don't overwhelm, but are nonetheless targeted at what can help. You really do seem to be a company which is aware of parental fears and their worries for their children, without making these into a drama that overwhelms the child. You seem really supportive of children, which is a difficult thing in a result-driven, over-anxious atmosphere. – Christine, retired teacher

From home educators...

I have subscribed to TheSchoolRun and it looks great! I am home educating my two daughters and I think this site will definitely help them with their learning. – Nicola, home-schooling mum, West Midlands

Thank you very much. It proved to be an invaluable resource when I was homeschooling and worth every penny. – Isabel, Harrow

TheSchoolRun was a massive help to me when I was forced to home school my children due to an area move and there not being any school places available. I would have been at a total loss without its help. The children and I enjoyed the worksheets and workbooks. The whole site helped me to keep a check on my children's progress in line with the national curriculum and it's colourful, inspirational and fun too! – Melanie, Redditch

I found TheSchoolRun invaluable whilst my children were educated at home. – N. Andrews, West Midlands.

This site has been a fantastic resource the last six months whilst I have been homeschooling my child. She will be moving to secondary school in September joining year 7 and is very well prepared for it thanks toTheSchoolRun. Thank you ... Great site. – Ann, Liverpool

As a home educator I was looking for a website that I could use for resources, but more importantly a site that also helped guide me using the national curriculum. TheSchoolRun website has been immensely important with that, I find locating the correct school year resources very handy and reassuring for me as I know we are working at the correct level. – Survey respondent

I'm home-schooling so I find it really useful to pick and choose from activities and worksheets that expand on whatever topic we're looking at that day. The maths sheets are always fun and well received!

I would just like to take the time to thank everybody at TheSchoolRun who has helped us 'home-school' our children as we travelled around the world. Your worksheets have seen forests, deserts, mountains and cities!

We did have concerns about whether our children would fall behind once we got them back to school but I am very pleased to report that despite both of them being the youngest in their years, they are both right at the top of their classes. A large part of a reason for this is your worksheets. –  Jonathan and Erika, Fleet


From grandparents...

TheSchoolRun resources have been extremely useful in the learning process of my grandchildren and they have enjoyed working with them. I'll certainly recommend your website to other members of my family and friends. – Askar, Slough, Berkshire

TheSchoolRun helps to demystify the terminology currently used in schools so I can support my grandchild. – Survey respondent

I am a grandmother who has worked with her two grandchildren using your material on numerous occasions over the last few years. As an ex-teacher and headmistress, I have loved your material and noted its worth. With thanks for all you endeavour to do.  – D Clements, Bath

'I have never trusted a site before and was nervous about whether you would cancel in time and find it reassuring that you have. I have two grandchildren at school and look forward to subscribing when I can afford it as I do like your site very much. I shall recommend your site to my daughter's friends. I really do like the materials you provide, but even more valuable, I love the advice and guidance you give to parents. I also think you keep yourself up to date and relevant; which is another reason why I intend to re-subscribe in the near future. – Christine, Loughborough

I have now retired and so don't need this brilliant site but when my grandchildren are ready I will be back! Many thanks for all your hard work and salient advice. – Annie, Berkshire

From parents whose subscription is coming to an end...

Thank you so much for the fabulous resources you’ve provided over the years, and for the Learning Journey plans, which I have found invaluable.  I have recommended you widely to friends, and will continue to do so after my membership ends. Best of luck for the future! – Yana, Richmond.

Our work with our older daughter ensured she knew everything she needed to know before starting secondary school, which has paid dividends. It is essential that children leave primary school with the necessary understanding of maths, in particular, and TheSchoolRun is helping us make sure that happens. – Survey respondent

May I just take this time to thank you for all your useful advice – I have found the website very useful indeed and it has made my life so much easier getting to grips with the childrens’ homework. – Amanda, Crawley

Just to say that I am suitably impressed by your website and your professionalism. I shall definitely recommend The School Run and will subscribe in the future. Many thanks and may your site go on thriving and enriching parents' and pupils' lives! – Sandrine, Ipswich

I am sure my journey with TheSchoolRun is not over yet. Hope to sign on some time in future that'll be more suitable. Well done on the great job! – Elaine, Thornton Heath, Surrey

I would like to say that I have been a member of TheSchoolRun for many years as a parent, a teacher and a private tutor and have found your resources to be excellent and your information to be extremely practical. The website is very user-friendly and the resources are effective. So, I genuinely thank you for that. Like I say, the only reason I am cancelling my membership is because it is no longer relevant for me. – Anne, Buckinghamshire

About our packs and workbooks...

Thanks so much for developing the resources for bright children sitting the KS2 SATs in May (Y6 SATs Enrichment Activities pack]. My eldest is in a special group working in greater depth towards her English KS2 SATs, hoping for a high level mark, so these will come in super-handy in supporting her learning - thank you! – Kirsty Greer on Facebook

'TheSchoolRun Learning Packs – I love these! There are over 40 learning packs on TheSchoolRun site and I downloaded a lot of them because they are worth the subscription price alone. The comprehension and handwriting packs I honestly found a lot more worthwhile than others I’ve bought from Amazon. They are fun, visual, and actually appealing to kids.' – Read the full review at Dyspraxia Kids.

I'm delighted to have found your website. We've tried and failed with multiple others but the kids simply adore it. My daughter has struggled with fractions but an hour with your Fractions made simple booklet and she's loving maths again. – Dr Andi, London

I just wanted to say I love the English and maths booster packs. They are a great way to reinforce learning and keep them happily busy with the bright coloured worksheets! – Sarjit, Warwick

I am actually impressed [by the KS2 Spelling Puzzle pack] as initially the look on my daughter's face was "oh no! another worksheet"... but she thoroughly enjoyed it! There was a little input from me to guide her and I really liked that it reinforced grammar terms such as suffix/prefix in a fun way, keeping the child switched on rather then off. It also makes teaching your child a positive experience, which is essential for this age group. – Danielle, Herts

I found the science pack brilliant! It is filled with fantastic, practical ideas as to how to easily excite my son about science. He learnt lots of important scientific principles whilst having such fun! It has really given him a head start for Year 1. – Shelly, Hertfordshire

I had seen The Stolen Book of Spells workbook on the website and thought that this would be something that would interest my son. I started by reading the parents' explanation for reading comprehension and then talked to my son about the exercise. He loves reading, but what we haven't had much time for is talking about the books he reads. As the story is in small chunks it was easy for him to start and stop, he took it to his Grandparents during half term and finished it at home recently. The exercise really got him thinking about understanding the story and at the end he was very proud to have solved the puzzle. – Andrea

'At Parents' Evening they highlighted multiplication and division as areas she needed to work on. We used the KS2 Secret Agent Maths puzzle pack to help her revise this topic. She loved the puzzles – I don't think she even realised she was doing maths!' Find out how our packs helped Lynne's daughter improve her results and grow in confidence.

I felt so confused about SATs before and was starting to panic. Your guide [Your Guide to KS1 SATs Success] really helped me understand SATs and told me how I could help my seven year old son. Now I feel a lot more confident – and so does he. – Hetal Singh

After we had worked through techniques [in the Your Guide to KS2 SATs learning pack] to help her answer the questions I was really impressed with how well she was doing. It seemed to really catapult her ability forward and the teachers actually remarked on how well she performed in the SATs! I know I don’t have to worry about her anymore because she is an able reader. – Louise

The Telling The Time pack is brilliant. We worked through it over the break and it got them both telling time easily. I find concentrated packs like these invaluable for the holidays as they help chunk things down in easy to manage blocks for the kids. – Suzanne, Scotland

The KS1 maths puzzle pack has been a huge hit with my year 2 son today. I had to drag him away for a break and he can't wait to carry on tomorrow. – Nicola, Essex

I used your KS1 Easter activities pack this morning with my 7 year old daughter and 5 year old son for Home Schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic. I have to say that the pack is brilliant, the kids loved the mix of English, Maths and Science stuff with an Easter spin on all of it. They were able to work together on all of the activities I picked out and enjoyed it so much that mummy was told that "we didn't have Home School today, just lots of fun with Easter things..". We only got through about half of the activities this morning so there are plenty left and I would definitely recommend the pack to anyone with kids of the same age over the Easter period. 5 stars! – Roddy, Northern Ireland.

About our interactive tutorials...

These tutorials are a life-saver! Finding factors of numbers in particular was great: the interactive format kept my nine-year-old daughter focused and engaged – and as a result she really got to grips with the topic. Please keep them coming! – Donna, Wales

It's usually impossible to get my son to sit down and concentrate on ANYTHING, so it's been surprising to watch him work his way through the Year 6 interactive tutorials without any bribes or blackmail! He really enjoyed them, and definitely picked up on what he was being taught. – Claire, Hampshire

My little boy was struggling to learn how to tell the time, but the Telling the time to the half hour interactive tutorial combined with a couple of downloadable worksheets (to cement his learning) have been fantastic! – Sheree, Bury St. Edmunds

Just wanted to say we love the interactive teacher, we used it yesterday me (ironing) 6 year old daughter learning all about money maths, she said she couldn’t do (got every sum correct). Well done school run you’re great. – Katie, West Sussex

We have tried the free tutorial and the children loved it. It's like playing a game rather than studying. They look forward to work using the tutorials. Thank you to all the team that work every single day to help us improve our children’s learning and development. – Stephanie, Salford

About our books...

The Handwriting Power-Up Programme is going to prove a valuable resource. It's so well-structured and what a brilliant bank of vocabulary!' – Diana, Cambridge

I have just bought the Teach Your Child maths eBooks and I am really impressed with the fun layout.They are amazing. – Milica, Hampshire

I used Teach your child Year 5 maths and Teach your child Year 5 English to help my grandchildren. I found them very useful as we worked through every sheet in the eBooks and the twins finished top of their class! – Yvonne, East Sussex

What I found best [about Teach your child time] is the description of what we should expect a child to learn in every year from Reception to Year 6. My son had some time struggling with the topic of Time previously, mainly because I had no idea that telling time to 5 minutes is not year 1 topic. I was worried when he was not able to grasp the concept. However this eBook perfectly describes and with the help of activities and worksheets, everyone will have a fair idea of the topic of Time. The worksheets are detailed and cover the topic very well. After going through the activities in this eBook, my son has become very confident. –– Musfirah, Kent

Every Christmas I resurrect the excellent Big Book of Christmas Activities which I bought from you a while back.  – Sue

I’m just looking through Grammar Made Easy now and it looks fantastic, just what I need for my son. –  Caroline, St Helier, Jersey, C.I

I like the format of Teach your child multiplication.The pages are not over complicated. The progression through is well structured with lots of opportunity for over learning without being too repetitive, and it is interspersed with games. It is easy to back track to find the child's starting point or can be used from the beginning to boost confidence as they see themself moving through the pages quickly. Ideas from earlier steps can be used to give practice at later ones if confusions arise. – Zoe, Shropshire

I found Maths Homework Helper a fantastic resource to use with my daughter. It was clear and concise. The examples and vocabulary sections helped my daughter feel more confident to work independently, and I found the sectioning of the articles a great help in keeping her focused on the task in hand. – Caren Williamson

My Year 5 son has had issues with handwriting, in particular cursive. His hand would ache when writing for extended periods and his writing would get progressively difficult to read. He has found the Handwriting Power-Up Programme very useful, and both he and I have appreciated the mature way the workbook has been produced. We will keep using the programme to continue to improve his handwriting. – Hannah

We love [I know my times tables]! It's very catchy – different ways of trying to explain how to understand, and how to get to the answers. For a child like Kirsty who is working behind and struggling, it's a really fun way to get to grips with times tables; much more exciting than learning by rote. – Linda

Spelling Made Magic is a wonderful, effective and above all, fun way of helping children learn to spell. Clare Winstanley has produced a super array of novel and engaging ideas to tackle a huge variety of common spelling problems, including Spelling Sandwiches, acrostics and mnemonics. My seven-year-old daughter loved meeting “Ed” and “Ian”, and was terribly proud of herself for learning how to spell Mediterranean using Clare's foolproof method – we had to put in a call to Grandma to spell it over the phone to her as well! The key to the success of Spelling Made Magic for us was that it turns spelling into a fun challenge, rather than a dull, weekly chore. Phoebe was having so much fun playing the games and doing the activities, that it didn't even dawn on her that she was ‘doing spellings’, and I certainly won't be reminding her! – Sara, Bedfordshire

SATs can be stressful for all involved, but don't need to be. This excellent guide [SATs: Practice makes perfect] answered all of my questions, and understanding more made it less stressful for all of us, which is so important. – Sarah, Norfolk

As a Head of Learning Support, I am always on the lookout for ways to help children improve spelling and 'tame' demon words. Linking [the method taught in Thinkalink!] has not only enabled many of my pupils to do just that, but by creating their own links it helps put them in control of their learning and contribute to the learning of others. They derive great pleasure from finding a link and trying it out on a friend. The addition of drawing or illustrating their links also contributes to the multisensory nature of the learning experience linking offers. – Bronnie Kenchington, SENCO, Queen Elizabeth Hospital School, Bristol. B.Ed & Masters in Special Needs

[The Parents' Guide to Year 6 Maths] has been such a revelation to me! Now I know exactly what I can do to help my daughter. It's also made me realise where I'd been going wrong! And the games are simply brilliant. I have to confess that my first thought was 'oh yeah, she'll never fall for that'. But she really loves playing the games. And I feel a lot better about my mothering skills!! – Rebecca Ash

My son and I loved picking out activities [from The Nursery and Reception Activity Book], especially the dinosaur hunt which was a big hit! The instructions were really clear and the illustrations were fun to look at and set the tone for each topic. I'm sure we'll use these activities over and again and they'll be a lifesaver during school holidays! – Louisa Burton

[The Parents' Guide to Year 2 Maths] is a great book for parents. The maths curriculum explained in a clear and concise way. A book full of good ideas and excellent resources, which can be adapted for all ages and abilities. – Naomi Simon, Deputy Head and KS2 expert

About our customer service...

It is great to know that there is someone I can contact if I have any questions. The expert guidance you offer with TheSchoolRun is what we parents need to navigate the minefield of state primary education successfully if we want our children to do well. – Ruth, Worcestershire

'I’d rate it one of the five best customer services experience I’ve ever had – and I’m a tough New Yorker!' Find out how we managed to impress this tough New Yorker...

[The Personal Account Manager] is an unexpected and wonderful additional service, many thanks​. – Trish, Lincolnshire

Thank you, Michelle [Michelle is one of our PAMs], for all the helpful recommendations on the next steps forward with regards to our children's learning.  The way you've pointed out the areas that we can start focusing on has simplified everything. This way we can take it a step at a time. I'll keep you posted on our progress and how the children are responding to the new approaches to learning. – Mercy, Hampshire

Thank you so much for your quick response and for the full refund. I have received nothing but excellent customer service from you guys and I would not hesitate to use your services again in the future. – Josh, Bristol

It's good to deal with a company that seems to want to do everything to get customers what they want. – Vincent, Kent

I find the customer service at TheSchoolRun really prompt and customer friendly. – Marie (fraught, Scottish, home school grandma), Kuala Lumpur

Many thanks for such a prompt response and for the detailed email.

It's quite rare these days to get such a high level of customer service and I do appreciate it; particularly your taking the time to suggest some additional learning resources.

Feedback from our latest survey...

A brilliant tool which comes in handy to improve or follow what's taught in school.

TheSchoolRun is a brilliant resources for parents of children with all abilities. The packs for parents to explain what our children will learn in the coming year and how we can help our child progress have been valuable. The worksheets are set out as to make learning fun and helps boost children's confidence.

The Learning Journey is great. There is so much availalbe on the website so if you are lost, start with the Learning Journey and progress checks and take it from there.

TheSchoolRun is a comprehensive toolkit to support children and parents through Key Stage 1 and 2, setting children up to be successful at senior school.

This is a fantastic site for parents to clear up all the clouds around our children's education worries. It has got sample papers, holidays activities, teaching guidelines, studying guidelines, fun activities, little tricks to make teaching more manageable for parents and fun in learning for the kids. I love this site. Well done to the team behind this amazing venture. Thanks for shaping our kids' future.

I have recommended to two other parents, who both joined up after the trial period. The learning worksheets and easy explanations are some of the straight forward answers that you never seem to get when you go into school and ask. Makes the whole learning year very frustrating if you are unclear what is expected. TheSchoolRun absolutely explains everything in enough details that we all understand, please don't stop doing this, it makes things soooo simple!

Excellent value, a must in a child's life if you want them to succeed.

I find TheSchoolRun a useful source of information with regards to what my girls are or will be learning in each school year and this helps guide what type of work we do at home.

My daughter is only in Reception at the moment but the worksheets I have been able to print for her are brilliant. I made a pack of them and took them on the plane when we went on holiday. She absolutely loved them. A couple of times whilst on holiday she came up to me and said “Mummy I`m just going to do my work”.

Before Christmas we were informed our son was tracking behind at maths, even though we had tried various methods to help him. Once we started using TheSchoolRun he improved no end. The worksheets and useful parent tips make it so easy for them to learn. So much so that he finished the year ahead!! The results speak for themselves. One happy mum from York.

The worksheets/bite-size learning is perfect for weekends/after school, especially for working parents when effective learning time with children (i.e. when neither of us is tired) is limited. The presentation of the worksheets is perfect for kids and engages them!

And there's more...

We're so delighted to receive your feedback on TheSchoolRun that we have to publish it all!

'I think the website is fantastic and a great resource to helping children learn – I've recommended it to everyone I know.' – Gurpreet, London

'This also gives me an opportunity to thank you for the learning materials and invaluable information and support provided by your site. It is the must go to site, for all parents of primary school children. My son's education has been greatly enhanced.' – Denise, Surrey

'You are helping me take control of my child's education, and giving her the opportunity to get better results.' – Cassie, Greater Manchester

'A fantastic source of information that is helpful and up-to-date.' – Survey respondent

'TheSchoolRun has been a lovely addition to the learning journey in primary school' – Jeanine, London

'Thanks so much for such an amazing website. You have helped us so much.' – Fiona, Kent

‘I have just taken advantage of the excellent 14-day trial and am so far very impressed with the resources available and the website design!’ – Alan, Cheshire

'It has been so great and rewarding for me and my daughters to have subscribed to your website. Your website is very relevant, accurate and up to date.’ – Saidat, Manchester

'I must take the opportunity to say how fabulous the website is. My children always have something to do!!' – Angela, Lancashire

'I am finding this website to be an amazing resource I wish I had known about earlier!' – Nedie, Nicosia

'I have just discovered your fabulous website. I am a Foster Carer and do a lot of work with each child placed with me to improve their achievements at school, so far with great results. Finding your website is going to help enormously, ensuring I always follow the curriculum and use the correct language but also helping me to refresh my memory too!' - Kate, Foster Carer, Southwark

'I’ve loved TheSchoolRun website and have recommended it to many of my friends. It has been an invaluable resource and I’m struggling to come up with any suggestions to improve it. Thank you.’  – Debbie, Twickenham

'I fully endorse TheSchoolRun's vision and feel the range of activity types/presentation provides something for every type of learner (even the most "distracted"). Here's to many years of continuing to plant the seeds of enjoyable and progressive learning!'  – Sue

‘Let me tell you that your website is the best one for primary school I have come across. I love everything about it and your worksheets are simple, colourful and help me a lot with my daughter at home. So, A BIG THANK YOU!!!’ – Mrs Finch, West Sussex

‘Thank you for such an excellent service, my son is thoroughly enjoying it all!’ – Clare, Suffolk

‘My younger son did not understand "time" when they moved on from it in class, but I was able to use your worksheets to make sure that he could work it out at his own pace.’ – Lynn, Colchester

'I have recommended and will continue to recommend it as it is a fantastic site.' – Karen, Doncaster

‘Great site by the way. Very useful.’ – Rachel, Halifax

‘I think TheSchoolRun has some excellent material. I wish I had found you before my children had gone to secondary school.’ –  Kara, London

‘This is a fab website and has helped my 8-year-old immensely.’ – Claire, Redditch

'I would like to say that yours is the best website that I have found for all my queries and I congratulate you and your team for creating this wonderful site.' – Beejal, Dubai

‘The site and work we have downloaded has been great and really useful. Thank you to you and your team for everything.’ – Karen, Cheshire

‘I absolutely love this site and have used loads from it so am proud to be a member. Thanks for all the great information the site provides.’ – Victoria, Timperley

‘Great website, articles, resources. Well worth getting the School Lifetime subscription to keep in touch with everything education! I would love to see it go beyond primary school too!’ – Shreen, Wolverhampton

‘I am very impressed with the site – the quality of the downloadable material is fantastic.’ – Victoria, Uppingham

'What I've seen from the online site so far is really great. The clearest parent-friendly material I've seen.' – Emma, Buckinghamshire

‘It is a great site and I will definitely recommend to anyone.' – Wendy, Devon

'Thank you very much, the site has been a great help to him during these last years.’ – Karen, Bungay, Suffolk

‘Your website is absolutely wonderful and through the years has grown to be better and better… keep up the great work!’ – Latifah, School Lifetime Subscriber

'We would just like to say how much we love your topics/homework help pages. We've looked at work my children are doing at school at the moment which for my 5 year old is homes and houses, and for my 8 year old he's just finished a project on Egypt and now he's learning about the rainforest.' – Caroline, Nottingham

‘Thank you so much for your kind intervention. Your website is incredibly helpful & beneficial for my daughters. You have been very kind and I am feeling very relieved! Thank you so much again.' – Brenda, Beckenham, Kent

‘I really enjoy using the site and have learned a surprising amount from the competitions and articles. Thank you again.’  – Susan, Yeovil

'I think your site and the huge amount of material on there is great. It's been really reassuring to have such a lot of information available whenever I need it.' – Shelley, Wokingham

'I spent all the summer holidays looking for a site like yours!  Now I've found you. It's all really excellent. I have paid to join, and have spent all morning happily printing out lovely colourful worksheets for my 6 year old son's Half-Term Diary! He'll be so happy.' – Karen, Teddington

‘I wanted to thank you for your support and help throughout my son’s learning journey. Thank you.’ – Gulbahor, Sheffield

'Your site has been invaluable to me and my children – I have lost count of the worksheets printed.' – Kim, Aylesbury

'Homework Gnome is brilliant. I used it with my son to research a volcano and my son thoroughly enjoyed the activities. It's a great resource for parents like myself to utilise in supporting our children's learning through imaginative and engaging activities.' – Survey respondent

'I really like the detailed explanation of how to approach teaching my child and ways to help them improve in areas they are struggling with.' – Survey respondent

'I think the tailored worksheets focusing on an area of interest – i.e. football – are good as it enables me to overcome my son's initial resistance to do work. He has found the maths sheets very helpful and I now plan to use it with my reception-age daughter too.' – Survey respondent

'As a parent it can be a mindfield especially with changes to the curriculum. TheSchoolRun is a place were you can see what's happening and get some great resources to help.’ – Survey respondent

'I used the free English worksheets extensively with my son when we were living in Italy (until he was nearly 10) to help him with his English reading and writing – he came back with a reading age of 15!' – Survey respondent

'My children enjoy the worksheets – they are fun and quick to do thereby keeping their attention. I use TheSchoolRun to find out how to help them with particular learning issues, especially maths techniques.' – Survey respondent

'The content is easy to find. There is great variety and has prepared my child to advance within weeks. In a space of one week my child has the confidence now and can recollect all 12 times tables – a great achivement in such a short time – thank you!!!!' – Survey respondent

'As a working mum with 4 children, it is great to have access to free resources to both enhance and reinforce my children's learning.' – Survey respondent

'The progress checks are fantastic for identifying gaps in my pupils' learning.' – Survey respondent

'The worksheets are great to enhance the homework we get from school. They are simple to use and great that they are specific to each age range.' – Survey respondent

'The additional and fun challenges have helped my son exceed in his schooling.' – Survey respondent

'I regularly recommend the website to other parents and teachers at my son's school. The worksheets and booklets are fantastic and the weekly emails keep you on track with what is expected of children.' – Survey respondent

'Thank you very much for all the wonderful resources that have been very useful over the last year.' – Monica, Etchinghill, Kent

More about our SATs and Phonics Screening Check resources...

'I wish I’d known about your site years ago, it’s really informative and has been a godsend to help with my daughters SATs revision.' – Lucy, Shrewsbury

‘Your site has been fantastic for my Year 6 son getting him through his SATs.’ – Marie, Welwyn Garden City

'TheSchoolRun has been a great source of improvement for my children and I must commend your good work to put these together. My first daughter is currently preparing for her SATs exams and all her reading from TheSchoolRun has helped her so far. This is to say a big thank you!.' – Dele, Kent

'I have found TheSchoolRun very helpful throughout the primary years and would like to thank you for all the useful resources that you have provided over the years. It was a stressful time last year with the new spec Year 6 SATs and I don't know how I would have managed without the TheSchoolRun.' – Fahmida, Wembley

'TheSchoolRun is amazing and has helped my kids tremendously over the years since we opened the account. We found the subscription extremely helpful when our children were in the state school sector as it mirrored the work covered in class by their teachers. TheSchoolRun helped my kids gain good grades in SATs and the Phonics Screening Check and I still recommend my friends to use it and will continue to do so in the future!' – Candy, Gloucestershire

'The website you have is brilliant. Last year our son had his phonics test and got 40/40. I feel if it wasn’t for the material you provide, he wouldn't have achieved this score on his own.' – Kevin & Kate, Wolverhampton

'I subscribed to when I was working in an international school in Tanzania, East Africa so we could have access to your fantastic practise SATs papers. I did also use these with my daughter (Year 2). I have found all your resources to be very helpful and useful.’ Carol, Birmingham

'This site is brilliant! I've said it before, I wish I'd known about it months ago. The free downloads are really useful, however by paying a small subscription fee, the SATs sample papers & other information you can access more than pays for itself.' – Lucy, Shrewsbury

'I've found this resource really useful and thought it was brilliant in the run up to the SATs.' – Susan, Nottingham

'Just like to say TheSchoolRun is a fantastic establishment and it is very good learning tool for kids. My kids love the examples and topics that you have available and the past papers are excellent.' – Tahir, Old Woking, Surrey

'The KS1 SATs downloads were really good to help me understand what the papers were like and what style of questions my daughter would have. This helped me to work with her to prepare for her SATs.' – Survey respondent

'The preparation for SATs was invaluable and I would recommend anyone with a child coming up to doing them to have a look at it.' – Survey respondent

More from teachers...

'The worksheets are superb. The colourful production makes them attractive to the children and the pre-question summaries easy for a child to understand. Each sheet is managable in terms of quantity of questions. As an ex-teacher ... I hope you keep expanding the collection.' – Survey respondent

'I would like to say what an amazing website you have created with fantastic resources. I currently teach Year 1 and your resources have been so helpful.' – Karen, Guisborough

'You have an excellent website and if I were 40 years younger and a parent at the start of a parenting school journey I would certainly continue with my subscription. I am about to retire and my purpose in joining you was, as a head teacher, to point some of my parents towards your excellent resources to help them. Keep up the good work and be assured I will encourage my own children to take out subscriptions when our grandchildren reach school age.' – Peggy, Berkshire

'I have found that you are a fantastic website and offer fantastic resources. The subscription that I have paid so far has been well worth it and I will highly recommend you to any one that may be interested.' – Mike, teacher from Isleworth, Middlesex

'I just wanted to drop you a quick message to let you know how much I appreciate the info and stuff you have on your site. I love the resources that you have made available to people like me who want to learn more to help their students :)' – Taylor

'I have been using TheSchoolRun for both my own child and resources as I am a TA in a primary school. It has been brilliant.’ – Alison, Cheshire

'I have found your site extremely useful… your resources are just fabulous!' – Leah, Student Teacher, Glengormley

'A brilliant website for both parents and teachers! Lots of useful resources to use both at home and in the classroom. As a supply teacher and home tutor it's helped me tremendously to access instant resources and information. A very colourful and user-friendly website, easy to navigate. Well worth a look!!' – Ravinder, Aspley, Nottingham

'Love your website! It is just amazing! I am Primary Co-ordinator and Reception teacher in an English school in Cyprus and will be recommending your website and using it lots!' – Yvonne, Cyprus

More from parents whose subscription is coming to an end...

‘Your materials have been invaluable to my son who is now in the top set of Year 7 at his new school.’ – Richard, Newark

'I've no doubt I'll shortly be enjoying another frolic through the engaging and fun activities/exercises your highly creative team come up with!' – Sue

‘We have really enjoyed the resources and they have been very useful but we came to a point where we don't need it any more as we are moving to 11+. Thank you.’ –  Felicia, London

‘May I take this opportunity to thank you for such a very informative website. It has been a fantastic support to my twin daughters from Year 6 through to their transition to high school.’  – Mrs Purdy, Leeds

‘Thank you – I will definitely use you when it is more appropriate for my son when he starts school and recommend your excellent site and resources.’ –  Leah, Dorset

‘I will be back later in the year to sign up for the School Lifetime subscription. Thanks for the resources. It’s a brilliant website.’ – Clare, Cornwall

'I found it very useful in helping to make that huge jump from Junior to Secondary education.' – Survey respondent

'Many thanks for all the helpful tips and worksheets over the last couple of years, which have helped my little girl immensely.' – Mike, Gloucester

More about our workbooks and learning packs...

'Just a couple of days working on her handwriting and I couldn’t believe the difference.' – Rebecca

'He worked through your Year 6 Learning Journey worksheets and the Transition to Year 7 packs and these are such a great way of doing a little bit at home each day.’ – Helen, Surrey

'I particularly liked the sample KS2 English testing booklet. The sources, comprehension and writing questions were an excellent exam preparation and revision resource for my students. The resource was engaging and relevant; thank you TheSchoolRun!' – Susan (Parent and English Tutor)

'I've used the Year 1 pack to see if my son has remembered / understood what he should have been taught each term – it's been really reassuring to see him be able to do these tests (and great to keep him busy on the plane too!).' – Survey respondent

‘I like the booklets on specific topics, tables, time, spelling etc. Also like the way it focuses on each year group by area so can really hone in on where my children need extra practice.’ – Survey respondent

'The KS2 Spelling Puzzle pack is well done and [my child] wants to finish it in few days.' – Sally, Southborough

'Both of the children liked the KS2 Spelling Puzzle pack. By the time they had both done the "Basic Training" they were fully engaged and wholly absorbed in the pack ... All in all good fun for them both.' – Mr P, Tunbridge Wells

'The kids absolutely loved the KS2 Spelling Puzzle pack. My youngest was particularly keen on the word searches and the basic training really helped her. My eldest loved the code cracking and the crosswords.' – Jo, Hertfordshire

More about the Learning Journey programme...

'I have been on the Learning Journey and it is great to have easy access to worksheets for each year group. I will definitely be making use of all these resources.' – Lee, Ilford, Essex

'With the help of the Learning Journey, my son JS (age 8 and in Year 3) is doing so well in both his maths and English that at his last parents' meeting they said he is a Level 3a and now doing some Y4 work in maths and English. He enjoys going to school and I think it has increased his confidence and is keeping him focused. The worksheets are fun and colourful with just the right amount of work on them.' – Caroline, Nottingham

'I have really enjoyed using your subscriber resources, worksheets and information and have found your school run weekly resources so very helpful.' – Mrs L Blake, Leeds

'Learning Journeys are an excellent way to engage the children and provide them with appropriate content to extend their learning outside the classroom.' – Survey respondent

'The Learning Journey is really useful as it provides activities by year group and is flexible so you can choose to help your child work through it, or just select areas that you feel would be of most benefit to them.' – Survey respondent

‘I find the Learning Journey excellent with its topics and year groups and worksheets.’ – Survey respondent

'Working through the weekly worksheets reassures me about how much she knows so that I do not expect more than is realistic or add unneccessary pressure.' – Survey respondent

More about our books...

'Teach Your Child Multiplication is another really useful publication that I will refer to many times.’ – Claire, Crouch End, London

'From a parent's point of view, I think I Know My Times Tables was really good. The bits that appealed to me most were the tips and ideas. As a "numbers" person myself, I have always used different methods and "patterns" to get to answers and I was really pleased to see that the tips and ideas picked up on this type of thing as I think children remember things in different ways, and this helps to look at the times tables in new ways rather than just a list of numbers they have to learn. I also like the game suggestions and the proformas at the back that can be used over again. I think that the approach is fun which is much more appealing to children.

'My son who is just 9 (Year 4) also really liked the ideas and tips section of the sheets and it was great to see him get excited about the patterns that the numbers made and seeing the ideas settle in his head. He also really liked the games, in particular the multiplication speed sort, the times table board and the times table racetrack – probably because he is a bit competitive! It has great ideas, and it keeps things interesting for him while he is learning – can't be bad!

'A good job well done, making numbers an interesting thing to learn. This book certainly does a good job in making learning fun – well done.' – Julia

'My daughter has always struggled with her times tables, and her school won't use rhymes for learning. She has trouble in particular with her 7 and 8 times tables – don't ask me why! I got her to recite the 8 times table, and she got stuck in exactly the same place she always has. Then she learnt the 8 times table rhyme and started singing it whilst dancing around the house, and within a short time she was remembering it perfectly.

'[I know my times tables] showed her that it was alright to learn in a different way than she was taught at school (mums, of course, don't know these things!). She's said that she can't wait to look at the rest of the book as it was fun – and this from a child who struggles at maths! So all in all, a success I'd say.' –  Jacqui Leech

'I have puchased many of the eBooks, which I find invaluable.' - Survey respondent

‘I like the books like I know my times tables and Spelling Made Magic as I can go through them as many times as I like.’ – Survey respondent

'What a brilliant book [The Big Book of Christmas Activities]! We loved the balance between “doing” and learning activities and especially liked learning about Christmas in other countries. The children particularly enjoyed the accessibly-written bible stories and the cooking – there is plenty in here to keep any family amused on a wet December day.' – Catherine Cooper

More about our customer service...

‘I am so impressed with and really think it will help my boys with their school work. And knowing that I am supported and can email you to ask for help or to be pointed in the right direction is amazing.’ – Mrs Higgins, Oxfordshire

'This is a fantastic resource for homework and to understand the National Curriculum. The team have been amazing in responding to my e mail questions.' – Survey respondent

‘Thank you so much for your kind intervention. I really appreciate your assistance with this issue and your best wishes. You have been very kind and I am feeling very relieved! Thank you so much again.' – Brenda, Beckenham, Kent

‘You always put my mind at ease! Yet again thank you for the wonderful work TheSchoolRun team do!' – Ferzana

'Thank you for the great website you’re running and your great customer service. Once we’re back in England again I will definitely sign up for a longer membership.' –  Heidi, Calgary, Canada

‘Your service & the website is fantastic!’ – Pratheeba, Newbury

More feedback from our survey...

'Thank you for the bottom of my heart for helping mums prepare their children in the best possible way :-)'

'I am forever recommending this site as not only is it the best value for money around, it's easy to use and follow.'

See all testimonials

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Email [email protected] with your feedback.