Weights and measurements

Understanding and using a range of skills to calculate weights and measures is a core numeracy skill that your child will keep returning to over their primary school years.
Learning about weights and measurement in primary school
In this section of the site you'll find lots of tips, tricks and techniques to help your child learn about weights and measurements. Make sure you understand the vocabulary used, such as imperial units, and capacity and find out which weights and measurements skills your child should master each year, in line with National Curriculum objectives.
Our teacher-created worksheets cover all the key areas of learning, including using the language of measurement, estimating and reading measurements of length, reading scales, using standard and non-standard units, comparing lengths, calculating perimeter and area and measuring volume. There are weights and measurements problems using real-life examples and household objects.
We also have on-screen activities on weights and measurement topics including measuring the weight of objects in grams and converting measurements between centimetres and metres.
Search all Weights and measurements worksheets by year
Reading measurements
Can you read measurements in grams and kilograms? Do you know your litres from your millilitres? Can you measure in centimetres and metres? Let's find out.
Reading measurements: weight
Reading measurements: capacity
Reading measurements: length
Discover some cool maths games to play with your child
Add an extra learning dimension to family game time - try one of the board games from the Cool maths games learning pack and help reinforce your child's knowledge of number bonds, percentages and fractions while you play.
If you want to make maths more enjoyable for your child, print out a board game (or two) and settle down for some cozy, round-the-kitchen-table fun your children will be asking you to make time for. As well as play value, each game offers huge learning opportunities, so pick a skill to revise, print out the game rules, board and counters and get playing!