Year 1

It’s a big leap from Reception to Year 1, but we've got everything you need to support Year 1 maths, Year 1 English and Year 1 science.
Discover Year 1 activities and information to boost learning
We've got hundreds of teacher-created Year 1 learning resources, including Y1 activities, worksheets and games for core topics covered, including partitioning, shape, telling the time and handwriting. You'll also find resources to prepare for the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check as well as Year 1 maths tutorials and complete learning programmes in Year 1 English, Year 1 maths and Year 1 science.
Year 1 is a really important year for your child, and parents will be expected to support learning at home. But with these fun and engaging Year 1 resources, your child will love the time you spend with them and you'll soon see them grow in learning ability and confidence.
Year 1 English and Year 1 Maths Booster packs
Reading, writing and spelling practice for KS1 children means wordsearches, matching games, writing missing posters and more! Our Year 1 English booster pack covers all the main literacy topics your child will learn in the first year of KS1. Just one worksheet a day will offer a fun revision session to help them with their handwriting, phonics and punctuation – and why not let your child organise a little party to make the 'writing for purpose' activity even more exciting?
Maths revision – the fun way! Our Year 1 maths booster pack covers all the main maths topics your child will learn in the first year of KS1 to help them practise their skills. Use the colourful worksheets to boost your child's confidence with number bonds, telling the time, simple addition and subtraction and first story problems, or try some of the suggested extension activities to consolidate what they've learnt at school.
Y1 Phonics screening check
The Phonics screening check is used to test children's reading and phonics skills and what they've learnt in their first two years at school. Find out what you need to know about the Phonics screening check and get an idea of what your child will be asked to do in the June test by looking through the official past papers. Then check out all the practice checks we have created.
Discover a unique Year 1 Learning Journey programme for maths and English
Each Learning Journey programme contains 40 worksheets that roughly match the order that your child is being taught topics at school during the year. Work through them in order to be sure your child keeps up with all the core areas of learning they need to have mastered by the end of Year 1 or, if you are a subscriber, we'll send you an email every Wednesday with recommendations for two worksheets to complete that week (one English, one maths). There are also 24 fun worksheets that we'll send you during the school holidays!
Want to know if your child's Year 1 learning is on track? Get your child to work through the Year 1 Maths Progress Check and Year 1 English Progress Check and you'll be instantly be able to see where there are gaps in their knowledge.

Year 1 topic homework? Visit the Homework Gnome
For starters, you could find out more about: