Religious Education (RE)

Religious education (RE) in primary schools is not part of the National Curriculum, but it is compulsory for all (maintained) primary schools to teach KS1 religious education and KS2 religious education.
Non-denominational state schools, including academies and foundation schools, follow a 'locally agreed' RE syllabus put together by the local authority, reflecting the fact that Great Britain is traditionally Christian but taking into account the teaching and practices of other principal religions. Faith schools can devise their own RE syllabus in line with the teaching and practices of their religion or denomination.
As well as information about how religion is taught in primary school, the Religious Education (RE) hub offers links to homework-help information about all the major world faiths: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Confucianism and Shinto.
Religion homework help for KS1 and KS2
In primary school children are introduced to many different faiths. Religious Education (RE) aims to help develop pupils’ knowledge of the world's principal religious traditions and worldviews and promote tolerance and understanding.
TheSchoolRun's religion Homework Gnomes offer information, links, pictures, vidoes and activities about each of the world's major faith to help with at-home research and learning.