Computing and ICT

In this section of the site you can find out about EYFS computing, KS1 computing and KS2 computing and the requirements of the national curriculum, as well as how to help your child develop essential computer skills and even have a go at computer coding.
We also have lots of information about how to keep your child safe online, the online safety rules every parent should follow, positive screen time and screen time activities you don't need to feel guilty about!
What will your child learn in ICT and computing?
Find out what your child learn each year in ICT, and how you can support learning at home:
Primary computing glossary for parents
Do you know the difference between algorithms and programs? Can you spot a sequence or explain what software, hardware and Operating Systems are? Our primary-school computing and ICT glossary, compiled by computing teacher Billy Rebecchi, takes you through all the main concepts your child will be introduced to in KS1 and KS2 and includes examples and videos to help you support their learning at home.
- What is abstraction?
- What is an algorithm?
- What is coding?
- What is debugging?
- What are hardware, software and Operating Systems?
- What is computational logic?
- What is a computer program?
- What are procedures and functions?
- What is a programming language?
- What is a sequence?
- What is a variable?