
Mastering addition isn't as simple as learning 2+2. Throughout your child's primary school journey, they will be learning a range of skills involving addition, such as using a number line or number square for addition, the column method, addition word problems, addition of two-digit numbers and addition of three-digit numbers and using partitioning to add numbers.
Download printable addition worksheets and explore interactive addition resources
In this section of the site you'll find everything you need to help your child master KS1 and KS2 addition topics and meet National Curriculum addition objectives. Whether it is explaining a concept, such as repeated addition, multi-step addition problems, column addition or mental addition, we've got a staightforward explanation and tips to help your child master each addition skill.
Then put it all into practice with hundreds of downloadable, teacher-created worksheets, all divided by school year. From counting and adding in EYFS through repeated addition and money addition in KS1 to tricky topics including adding negative numbers and adding decimals in KS2, you'll find a range of printable and interactive resources.
Want try something a bit different? Let our digital teacher show you how to solve a range of addition problems and have a go yourself.
It all adds up to lots of fun!
Addition fun
There are lots of games to help making mastering addition fun. Try these for starters:
Teach your child addition
Teach your child addition is an eBook and home-teaching kit which will help you understand exactly what addition skills your child is expected to have mastered in each year of the primary school curriculum.
Primary school teacher and parent Matt Revill has compiled information, tips and activities to ensure that you have the right information at your fingertips so you can quickly make sure your child has fully grasped and achieved each and every skill for their correct year group and using the same methods that they are taught (rather than confusing them with the one you were taught at school!).
You'll be able to print off highly targeted and child-friendly fun worksheets to help them master each of the essential skills as they progress through school – in fun, five-minute sessions.
Teach your child addition is a downloadable, printable eBook, available for £4.99.
The Parents' Guide to Addition
Find out how addition is taught in schools and the addition topics your child might ask about: hops, partitioning numbers, column addition and long addition.

Maths Homework Helper
Maths Homework Helper eBook is an immensely useful resource for two reasons. Firstly, it collates the main topics your child will need to know. Secondly, it acts as a refresher course for you, so you can revisit each topic and understand just what your child is learning during class time. It covers the crucial topics of numbers, using numbers, measures, shape and space, and data handling, so you and your child will be able to learn, understand and use maths skills in everyday situations.
There are also helpful rules to remember, a jargon-busting guide to key maths language, plus tips and ideas to help your child continue their learning away from their text books. With Maths Homework Helper, you will never be stumped by your child's primary maths homework again!