11+ Learning Journey
How to get started on the 11+ Learning Journey
In order to cover all the skills that your child will have to master by the time they sit the 11+ test (in the autumn term of Year 6) either work through the worksheets below in order or pick those worksheets that cover topics where you know your child needs some extra help.
There is a downloadable 11+ Learning Journey checklist to help you keep track of your progress.
You can also receive a weekly email, which includes recommended exercises in all four disciplines and tips and tricks from 11+ experts. To join this (subscriber-only) mailing list email [email protected]
From a beginner's guide to the 11+ and an 11+ glossary for parents to detailed explanations of verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, Cloze tests, CEM and GL Assessment papers and more, you'll also find lots of articles and information to help you support your child's preparation in our 11+ section.
The 11+ is administered differently in each area where it's used, and the test itself will be produced specifically for that area or group of schools. Our parents' guides to each 11+ area give you a detailed overview of what you need to know about the test in the area where you live.
Good luck!
Don't forget to download our 11+ introduction learning pack!