Key Stage 1

Key Stage 1, which covers Year 1 and Year 2, is a time for your child to find their feet at school and develop new learning skills. So how can you help them at home?
Discover Key Stage 1 information and teacher-made resources
We've got thousands of engaging, teacher-created KS1 resources, so if you are explaining a concept or helping with homework, you'll find everything you need in this section, including articles, KS1 worksheets and, if you'd like to try something a bit more interactive, KS1 maths tutorials.
KS1 English core topics include fiction and non-fiction books, improving handwriting and writing in full sentences as well as preparing for the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check and, if your child's school opts for them, Key Stage 1 English and maths SATs.
Key Stage 1 marks a crucial time in a child's development. That's why our fantastic and easy to access resources are designed by teachers which are in line with the National Curriculum.
Year 2 English Booster pack
Our Year 2 English Booster pack covers all the main literacy topics your child will learn in Y2 – perfect to help your child prepare for KS1 SATs at the end of the school year or revise key concepts over the long summer break. Writing 'Missing' posters for favourite toys, devising menus, reviewing books, filling story treasure chests, teaching aliens to brush their teeth and more – this learning pack is bursting with fun activities to boost literacy.
Child in Year 1? See the Year 1 English Booster pack.
Year 1 Maths Booster pack
Maths revision – the fun way! Our Year 1 maths booster pack covers all the main maths topics your child will learn in the first year of KS1 to help them practise their skills. Use the colourful worksheets to boost your child's confidence with number bonds, telling the time, simple addition and subtraction and first story problems, or try some of the suggested extension activities to consolidate what they've learnt at school.
Child in Year 2? See the Year 2 Maths Booster pack.
Your guide to KS1 SATs success
A beginner's guide to year 2 tests, the KS1 SATs success pack explains everything you need to know about how your child will be tested, teacher assessment, SATs levels, how the results are used and why you don't need to worry! You'll also find 26 activities to help support your child's learning at home with games and fun, so get your SATs preparation started today.
Key Stage 1 Learning Journey
There is a Learning Journey programme for Year 1 English and Year 1 maths and for for Year 2 English and Year 2 maths. Work through the two worksheets we recommend each week, and over the course of the year your child will cover all the key topics in the curriculum for their school year – including the relevant times tables and maths topics for their year as well as handwriting, reading and writing skills.
By following the programme, which closely mirrors what your child is being taught in school, you’ll quickly be able to spot any topics that your child hasn't fully grasped and reinforce learning that is happening in the classroom at home. Your child will feel more confident in their own abilities and you’ll know you are giving your child the very best chance of succeeding in school.
And if you want to know if your child's KS1 learning is on track, have them take one of our Progress checks in maths of English. Each Progress check includes questions on the areas of learning that your child will be covering in that school term. Just get your child to take the test, then check the answers we provide and you'll see straight away if your child has grasped each of these learning skills.
Worried about your child's handwriting?
Handwriting is an essential skill, but we all have to learn it, and it’s a very complex task. Legible, neat handwriting takes lots of practice and it isn’t just learning the alphabet – fine motor skills, hand eye co-ordination and an interest in putting pen to paper are essential as your child develops their skills. The final goal is for handwriting to become an automatic skill, so your child can concentrate on what, and not how, they are writing.
If your child needs help developing this skill, check out the Handwriting Learning Journey, a course of over 200 worksheets that will take your child from the first stages of writing – known as patterning – right through to being able to write in a fluent, joined-up style.

Key Stage 1 Book Bundle
By the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2), your child will have to be confident in a range of subject areas if they hope to keep up with the much more challenging work they’ll face in Key Stage 2.
Whether it is remembering tricky spellings or knowing their times tables off by heart, there are learning basics that your child has to grasp in Year 1 and Year 2 so they don’t get left behind later on.
To help you give your Key Stage 1 child the best support you can at home, whether it is helping them with areas they find difficult or giving them more challenging work if they are flying in a subject at school, you’ll find the answers and resources you need in the Key Stage 1 Book Bundle.
There are 3 of our best-selling eBooks in the bundle. I know my times tables is an innovative technique to help your child master this core numeracy skill. Thinkalink! is a revolutionary new way to help even the trickiest of spellings stick and, if you want to be sure you can help them with any numeracy problems at home in the year when they sit their KS1 SATs, The Parents’ Guide to Year 2 Maths has all the answers.
You can buy all the eBooks individualls in the shop, or buy the bundle together and save 50%.