
Grammar – the very word makes most of us moan, but the importance of good grammar can't be emphasised enough. In this section of the site you'll find information about the grammar curriculum, how to encourage good grammar habits in your child and spotting and fixing the most common grammar mistakes.
A comprehensive collection of KS1 and KS2 grammar resources
As well as an overview of the grammar objectives for each school year, you'll find expert advice on English grammar rules, a complete primary grammar glossary and information on how grammar skills are tested. Then you can explore lots of teacher-created grammar worksheets divided by school year and focusing on each of the different grammar skills that your child needs to master, such as apostrophes, tenses, verbs and subordinate clauses, as well as information on the Year 6 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (SPAG) test and exclusive SPAG practice papers.
We also have a wonderful grammar games pack with tips, tricks, exercises and activities to help your child practise all aspects of basic English grammar.
Get ready to give your child the gift of great grammar.
Your child can practise working with capital letters and full stops by writing them where needed in this list of sentences.
Maisie has written a letter to her favourite author, but she has forgotten all the punctuation! Can you go through her letter and add in capital letters and full stops? You may also need to include some exclamation marks, question marks and commas.
Primary-school grammar explained for parents
Whatever aspect of grammar you need to brush up on, our parents' guides to primary grammar explain what you need to know to support your child's learning at home. Subjects and subjective, complex and compound sentences, pronouns and prefixes - they're all covered, with examples and teachers' tips to help boost your child's confidence.
- What are the active voice and passive voice?
- What is an adverb?
- What are definite and indefinite articles?
- What are simple, compound and complex sentences?
- What is a determiner?
- What is a modal verb?
- What is a phrase?
- What is a preposition?
- What is a relative clause?
- What is the subjunctive?
- What is verb tense?
Prepare your child for the Year 6 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (SPAG) test
The new English grammar, punctuation and spelling test (informally known as the SPAG test) is now part of the KS2 SATs programme for Year 6 pupils, replacing the previous English writing test. Find out all about the SPAG test and download practice papers to help your child prepare:
KS2 SATs Grammar, punctuation and spelling practice paper A
KS2 SATs Grammar, punctuation and spelling practice paper B
KS2 SATs Grammar, punctuation and spelling practice paper C
KS2 SATs Grammar, punctuation and spelling practice paper D
KS2 SATs Grammar, punctuation and spelling practice paper E
Make grammar learning fun: discover two great grammar learning packs
Great Grammar Games: From proper nouns to pronouns, statements to subordinate clauses and articles to adverbs, help your child revise KS2 grammar the fun way with our Great Grammar Games learning pack. A friendly, grammar- and flamingo-obsessed Grammar Gator offers tips, tricks, exercises and activities to help your child practise all aspects of basic English grammar, helping them prepare for the Y6 grammar SATs in play-packed sessions.
Perfect Punctuation Workbook: Full stops, commas, semi colons, apostrophes… Whatever aspect of punctuation your child is grappling with, we’ve come up with a bumper pack of 60 activities to help them practise, as well as a parent's refresher guide to each punctuation mark and how it's used.

Grammar Made Easy
Grammar Made Easy is for every parent who wants their primary child to do well at school, to see them gain top marks for grammar and punctuation and use language as a door to future opportunities.
Each chapter of the eBook focuses on a specific area – such as tenses or apostrophes – and provides clear, simple explanations of rules to remember, plus examples of what’s right, what’s wrong and why. Then, there are quiz questions to recap and check that your child has understood everything.
This instant-download eBook covers all the key points that you and your child need to remember (plus the mistakes you need to avoid!), in a way that everyone can understand.