Key Stage 1 Maths

In KS1 your child will be learning about maths in a practical hands-on way, using everyday objects to solve problems and do simple calculations. Support learning at home with our KS1 maths worksheets, activities and games and help your child develop the methods they use for solving problems.
We have resources on all the core areas of KS1 maths learning, including using a number line, addition, subtraction, division and multiplication, doubling and halving, simple mental maths, shape and space, times tables, measuring and weighing, using money, telling the time and much more.

Maths revision – the fun way!
Our Year 1 Maths Booster pack covers all the main maths topics your child will learn in the first year of KS1 to help them practise their skills. Use the colourful worksheets to boost your child's confidence with number bonds, telling the time, simple addition and subtraction and first story problems, or try some of the suggested extension activities to consolidate what they've learnt at school.
Our Year 2 Maths Booster pack covers all the main numeracy topics for Y2. Help them practise their skills with colourful worksheets - a daily session with pirates, sandcastles and wizards will consolidate multiplication, addition, rounding up, estimation and partitioning the fun way.
Discover a unique Maths Learning Journey programme for KS1
The Year 1 Maths Learning Journey programme and Year 2 Maths Learning Journey programme each contain 40 worksheets that roughly match the order that your child is being taught topics at school during the year. Work through them in order to be sure your child keeps up with all the core areas of learning they need to have mastered by the end of Year 1 or Year 2or, if you are a subscriber, we'll send you an email every Wednesday with recommendations for a Year 1 or Year 2 maths worksheet to complete that week. There are also 24 fun worksheets that we'll send you during the school holidays!
Plus, if you want to know if your child's KS1 maths learning is on track, get your child to work through the Year 1 Maths Progress checks or Year 2 Maths Progress checks and you'll be instantly be able to see where there are gaps in their knowledge.
Parents' Guide to Year 2 Maths
Number bonds... counting in ‘hops’... using grids and number lines... this is the norm for our kids, but it means very little to us. That's because maths lessons today take on a rather different form to those from our own school days. Forget tedious hours of solving endless sums; The Parents' Guide to Year 2 Maths eBook, packed with great maths games and activities, will guide you through everything you need to know for maths in Year 2 and help your child towards KS1 SATs success.
Discover great learning packs to supports KS1 Maths
- Key Stage 1 Maths Puzzle Pack – puzzles to solve, games to play and a tricky code to crack... who says playing with numbers isn't fun?
- Times tables practice book – covers all the tables from 2 to 12 and offers quizzes, speed challenges and more to help your child master this vital area of primary maths.
- Mastering money maths – games, activities and worksheets to help your child practise their money maths.