Having a child with ADHD is challenging for parents, but there is a lot you can do to ensure your child gets the help they need at school and support their behaviour and learning at home.
Browse this section of the site for information, advice and tips on spotting the signs of and understanding ADHD, what you need to know about ADHD, working with school to support your ADHD child, living with and managing ADHD at home and supporting siblings of children with ADHD.
More about SENs
You might suspect your child has a learning difference or it might already have been confirmed. Find more information here:

Managing ADHD Handbook
For many parents, a comment from a teacher that your child lacks focus is the first indication that ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) might be an issue. It can be hard to know what to do next...
If you are worried about what to do, or where to turn for advice, our Managing ADHD Handbook is just what you need. Learn how to help your child with their behaviour, and you’ll soon see the benefits for family life.
We’ve teamed up with parenting expert Sue Atkins to give you strategies, tips and resources on how to manage the type of behaviour problems that can stem from ADHD, and put them all together in a handy eBook.
Plus you’ll also find 10 enjoyable activities to do with your child, to keep them engaged and interested in learning while having fun at the same time.