Year 2 Maths

From counting and calculating to telling the time and memorising times tables, your child is going to master lots of new maths skills in Year 2.
Support learning at home with hundreds of Year 2 maths worksheets, covering all the core objectives including problem solving, mental maths, shape and space, number bonds, and measuring and recording results using lists and tables. You also find resources to help your child prepare for KS1 Maths SATs.

Year 2 Maths Booster pack
Whether you're revising for KS1 SATs or keeping your child's maths learning on track over the summer holidays, our Year 2 Maths Booster pack covers all the main numeracy topics for Y2. Help them practise their skills with colourful worksheets - a daily session with pirates, sandcastles and wizards will consolidate multiplication, addition, rounding up, estimation and partitioning the fun way.

KS1 Maths Puzzle Pack
Number bonds, odd and even, halving and doubling, reading information tables... Horatio the wizard needs your child's help with all his KS1 maths skills if he's to complete his quest and become a real magician. Maths puzzles to solve, games to play and a tricky code to crack... who says playing with numbers isn't fun?
Year 2 Maths Learning Journey and Progress Check
Discover a unique Learning Journey programme for Year 2 maths. Ther are 40 worksheets in the progamme, that cover all the key topics in the curriculum for Year 2. By following the programme, which closely mirrors what your child is being taught in school in Year 2, you’ll quickly be able to spot any topics that your child hasn't fully grasped and reinforce learning that is happening in the classroom at home. Your child will feel more confident in their own abilities and you’ll know you are giving your child the very best chance of succeeding in school.
Number bonds, partitioning, 2D and 3D shapes and telling the time – all skills children master in KS1 and are tested on in Y2 SATs. Check your child's progress and understanding with our Y2 maths Progress checks, designed to help you spot any gaps in their knowledge so you can support them with extra practice and activities at home.

Parents' Guide to Year 2 Maths
Number bonds... counting in ‘hops’... using grids and number lines... this is the norm for our kids, but it means very little to us. That's because maths lessons today take on a rather different form to those from our own school days. Forget tedious hours of solving endless sums; The Parents' Guide to Year 2 Maths, packed with great maths games and activities, will guide you through everything you need to know for maths in Year 2 and help your child towards KS1 SATs success.