PSHE stands for Personal, Social Health and Economic Education and is an important part of the primary national curriculum learning.
In this section of the site you can find out is covered in KS1 PHSE and KS2 PHSE and how can you support your child's learning at home.
Changes to Relationships and Sex Education are also explained, and we answer parents' top questions about sex education in primary schools.
National curriculum PSHE explained
PSHE stands for Personal, Social, Health and Economic education. It is an important part of your child's national curriculum learning. So what does it cover and how can you support your child at home?
Sex and relationships education: what your child learns
Sex education teaching varies hugely from school to school. We explain what goes on in KS1 and KS2 SRE lessons and outline what has changed in sex and relationship education in primary school from September 2020.
Learning about the body in primary school
At primary school children learn about the senses, the human skeleton, teeth and their function, the digestive system, puberty, the circulatory system and more. Find out what they'll be discussing in the classroom when and how you can support their learning at home.
Planning a healthy diet
A simple but effective worksheet that will introduce your child to the idea of a balanced diet.
Planning healthy meals
Encourage your child to plan three healthy meals and then to do the opposite and plan three unhealthy meals.
Design a healthy menu
A worksheet to prompt children to think about how to incorporate healthy food types into their daily diet.
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