Year 3 maths

Want to support your Year 3 child in maths lessons this year?
Discover hundreds of targeted Year 3 maths worksheets on all areas of the Y3 maths curriculum, including counting, partitioning and calculating, shape and space, times tables, number facts, measuring, data handling and much more.
With our worksheets at hand, you’ll be able to consolidate learning at home and help with tricky maths homework.

Year 3 Maths Progress checks
Get a sense of your child's progress in maths, and the areas they might need extra practice in, with our Year 3 Maths Progress checks. Three tests, each tailored to one of the school terms, are included, as well as answers to help you mark your child's work and identify any tricky topics.

Year 3 Maths Booster pack
Keep your child's numeracy learning on track with the Year 3 Maths Booster pack. Partitioning practice, timed challenges and problem-solving – there's a different activity to help practise everything they've learnt in school in the first year of KS2 and help them relate maths to everyday life.

Year 3 Maths Learning Journey programme
Over the course of the school year, the Year 3 Maths Learning Journey will cover all the key topics in the curriculum. By following the programme of two worksheets a week, you’ll quickly be able to spot any topics that your child hasn't fully grasped and reinforce learning that is happening in the classroom at home. Your child will feel more confident in their own abilities and you’ll know you are giving your child the very best chance of succeeding in school.

Teach your child multiplication
Help support your child's maths learning at home with a practical, targeted eBook. Multiplication topics covered include times tables, arrays, multiplication as repeated addition, worded problems, the grid method, partitioning, the long multiplication method and multiplying decimal numbers. As well as parents' notes on the theory your multiplication eBook contains lots of practical activities and games to help your child practise what they're learning at home.