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Homework Gnome: Science

Help with primary-school science homework

TheSchoolRun Homework Gnome

As well as being a compulsory national curriculum subject, learning about science helps children explore, observe and understand more about the things around them.

Your child will cover a variety of different science topics in EYFS science, KS1 science and KS2 science which will develop their investigative skills and their knowledge of life and living things, materials and physical processes. A new national curriculum for science was introduced in September 2014.

At some stage, you'll need to support your child with their science homework, perhaps helping them research a topic, create a poster or presentation, carry out experiments at home and record results or even visit science museums.

Whatever science topic your child is learning about, Homework Gnome is a great place to start! You'll find pages on many of the science topics commonly taught in primary school, all covered in an age-appropriate style, with information, images and videos suitable for primary school children*.

To get started, just look through the list below to find the science topic your child is studying at school now.

The human body

Our senses

Senses Homework Gnome

Discover secrets of the five senses and why they are vital to help us understand our world.

Parts of the body

Parts of the body Homework Gnome

Find out what the different parts of the body do and read some amazing facts!

Bones and muscles

Bones and muscles Homework Gnome

Lots of information, images and fascinating facts about bones and muscles.

The human brain and nervous system

Human brain and nervous system Homework Gnome

It's like a powerful computer inside your head and it controls everything – find out about your amazing brain.

Human digestive system

Human digestive system Homework Gnome

What happens when you put food in your mouth? Discover some fascinating facts about how digestion works.

Human respiratory system

Human respiratory system Homework Gnome

How do you breathe? Why does your body need oxygen? What do you breathe out? Find out here.

Human circulatory system

Human circulatory system Homework Gnome

Fascinating facts about your very own 'transport system'!

Teeth and dental care

Teeth and dental care Homework Gnome

Find out all about teeth: how they grow, what they are for and how to care for them.

Living things


Mammals Homework Gnome

Find out what features all mammals have in common and discover some surprising facts about some very interesting mammals.


Insects Homework Gnome

Did you know there are about 1 million known species of insects! Read about them here...


Spiders Homework Gnome

There's a lot more to creepy crawlies than meets the eye... prepare to be amazed!

Plants and growth

Plants and growth Homework Gnome

Top facts, did-you-knows, pictures and games... start your research into plants and growth here.

Food chains

Food chains Homework Gnome

Find out all about how food chains work, learn about producers and consumers and see different examples of food chains.


Reptiles Homework Gnome

Discover more about cold-blooded vertebrates and the characteristics that distinguish them.


Fish Homework Gnome

Dive in and learn about the world of fish, what they have in common, and meet some weird and wonderful fishy friends.


Amphibians Homework Gnome

Fascinating facts about frogs, toads, salamanders, newts and caecilians.


Micro-organisms Homework Gnome

They are so small that you can't see them with the naked eye but many hundreds of them would fit on the full stop at the end of this sentence: find out all about micro-organisms.


Birds Homework Gnome

There are around 10,000 different known species of birds today. Find out some fascinating facts about our feathery friends.


Dinosaurs Homework Gnome

They were the biggest creatures to walk the planet – and then they disappeared. Find out more here.


Minibeasts Homework Gnome

Find out why minibeasts are so important and which one has been around for 600 million years!

Our life

Keeping healthy

Keeping healthy Homework Gnome

What foods are good for us? How much exercise do we need? Find out what things are good for our bodies.

Family and friends

Family and friends Homework Gnome

Find out about different types of family, family members, family trees, DNA and more...

People who help us

People who help us Homework Gnome

There are lots of people who help us in the community. Find out how they help us in our day-to-day lives.

Our world

Space exploration

Space exploration Homework Gnome

What does space exploration mean and why is it important to visit the stars?

The Solar System

The Solar System Homework Gnome

Planets, asteroids, comets, the Sun.. find out what else is sharing our Solar System.

Day and night

Day and night Homework Gnome

Why is it day in one place and night in another? What is a time zone? Why do we change the clocks? Read on to find out...

Electricity and power generation

Electricity and power generation Homework Gnome

Find out how electricity is generated, plus many more fascinating facts about where our power comes from.


Magnets Homework Gnome

Magnetism is the force of attraction or repulsion between substances made of certain materials. Discover fascinating facts about the force of magnetism.


Gravity Homework Gnome

It's been around since the beginning of the universe and is very important in our daily life. Find out why...

Friction and resistance

Friction and resistance Homework Gnome

Discover what friction is, the three different types of friction, when friction is helpful and when it isn't!


Materials Homework Gnome

Read about the properties of different materials, what is natural and what is man-made and the different states that materials can exist in.

Famous scientists

Sir Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton Homework Gnome

You might know him as the man who saw an apple fall and figured out gravity... but there is lots more to discover about this famous mathematician.

Mary Anning

Mary Anning Homework Gnome

Find out more about this famous fossil hunter and collector.

Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison Homework Gnome

If you think he's just famous for inventing the lightbulb, you'd be wrong! Find out why...

Galileo Galilei

Galileo Galilei Homework Gnome

Why is Galileo famous for his work on mathematics and astronomy and why did it eventually lead him into such trouble?

Robert Hooke

Robert Hooke Homework Gnome

Find out why Hooke was called a 'polymath’, an expert in many subjects.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein Homework Gnome

One of the most famous scientists of all time, Einstein revolutionised our understanding of gravity and relativity.


Archimedes Homework Gnome

The famous mathematician Archimedes lived in Greece over 2000 years ago, but his ideas and inventions are still used today.

Edward Jenner

Edward Jenner Homework Gnome

Edward Jenner was the first doctor to vaccinate people against smallpox and developed the world's first vaccine. His research helped to save millions of human lives.

Can't find what you're looking for?

We're adding new science homework help topics all the time, so keep checking back. If there is a topic you think is missing, email us on to let us know.

*Please note: the Homework Gnome features a number of links to external websites, chosen for their editorial relevance of the topics and suitability for children. External links are selected and reviewed when the page is published, but TheSchoolRun cannot be responsible for the content of external websites. For more details see our Terms and conditions.