Year 4 maths

By Year 4 your child is expected to have a good grasp of the basic maths skills, such as times tables to ten, the properties of 2D and 3D shapes, estimating, measuring and recording results. Other topics like fractions, decimals, mental maths and geometry will all be more challenging in Year 4. Times tables are also formally tested in the Multiplication Tables Check in the summer term.
Help your child build on what they’re learning at school or tackle tricky maths homework with hundreds of Year 4 maths worksheets and discover great activities to help them understand why maths is important in real-life situations.

Year 4 Maths Booster pack
From number sequences and rounding to subtracting with the partitioning or column methods, the Year 4 Maths Booster pack will help your child consolidate key mathematical skills and knowledge in a quick daily practice session - and offer some fun revision problems and activities to try.
Each worksheet in the Year 4 Maths Booster pack is a bite-sized mini-revision session; work through them all and you can be confident your child is up to speed with the Year 4 maths curriculum.
Discover a unique Year 4 Maths Learning Journey programme
The Year 4 Maths Learning Journey programme covers all the key topics in the curriculum for Year 4, in just one maths worksheet a week. By following the programme, which closely mirrors what your child is being taught in school, you’ll quickly be able to spot any topics that your child hasn't fully grasped and reinforce learning that is happening in the classroom at home. Your child will feel more confident in their own abilities and you’ll know you are giving your child the very best chance of succeeding in school.

Year 4 Maths Progress checks
How is your child progressing in Y4 maths? Check they've grasped the essential skills and identify any areas where they need some revision and practice with our Year 4 Maths Progress checks. Download the three tests (one for each term) now to see the kind of calculations your child will be working on at school this year.
Each term’s maths test consists of 20 questions and a total of 20 marks. The first 5 questions are mental maths questions (allow your child 10 seconds for each one) and the next 15 are written questions (allow your child as much time as they like to do these questions).

Teach your child division
Help support your child's maths learning at home with a practical, targeted division eBook. Division topics covered include division as the inverse of multiplication, the repeated subtraction method for division, chunking, worded problems, the short hand division method and dividing decimal numbers. As well as parents' notes on the theory your eBook contains lots of practical activities and games to help your child practise what they're learning at home.
Year 4 times tables test
From 2020, all Y4 children in England will have their multiplication skills formally tested in the summer term.
We explain the format of the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) and have some online mock MTC practice tests to boost your child's confidence.