Numbers and counting

Recognising numbers, learning to count and becoming really confident with numbers are skills your child will continue to develop the whole way through primary school.
Build your child's numbers and counting skills with printable and interactive resources
First of all, read up on how counting skills are taught through the whole of primary school and check out the meaning of number concepts you might hear, like number squares, prime numbers, multiples and factors.
Then start exploring our teacher-created counting worksheets, which are in line with National Curriculum objectives for number and place value for each year of primary school. You'll find lots of downloadable counting activities to help with numbers and counting, including reading and writing numbers, using number lines, number bonds and number sequences, counting objects, odd and even numbers, rounding numbers to the nearest 10 or 100 and comparing and ordering numbers, positive and negative numbers and much, much more.
Want to try something more interactive? Have a go at an online challenge in one of our tutorials, such as Finding one more than a number up to ten or Ordering numbers with up to three decimal places.
And don't worry! All our numbers and counting worksheets, activities and games include answers, so you can check your child's got it right.
Year 1 maths booster pack
Maths revision – the fun way! Our Year 1 maths booster pack covers all the main maths topics your child will learn in the first year of KS1 to help them practise their skills. Use the colourful worksheets to boost your child's confidence with number bonds, telling the time, simple addition and subtraction and first story problems, or try some of the suggested extension activities to consolidate what they've learnt at school.

The Parents' Guide to Year 2 Maths
Number bonds... counting in ‘hops’... using grids and number lines... this is the norm for our kids, but it means very little to us. That's because maths lessons today take on a rather different form to those from our own school days. Forget tedious hours of solving endless sums; The Parents' Guide to Year 2 Maths ebook, packed with great maths games and activities, will guide you through everything you need to know for maths in Year 2 and help your child towards KS1 SATs success.