Dyspraxia / Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)
Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), otherwise known as dyspraxia, is thought to affect up to six out of 10 people and tends to be more common in boys than girls. Children with dyspraxia may have difficulties with coordination, speech and language, following instructions, organising themselves and coping with school life.
But if you think your child is dyspraxic, or if they’ve been diagnosed, you can find information in this section on how to get your child the help they need, working with the school’s SENCO and how to support learning at home.
Childhood dyspraxia explained
Your guide to what dyspraxia is and how you can support a dyspraxic child at home.
"We'll work together to develop his organising and planning skills"
Susie McCrae from Edinburgh describes her experience of the SEN and school system with her son David, 9, who has Developmental Coordination Disorder / dyspraxia, and shares her tips for other parents.
Dyspraxia: parents' questions answered
Dyspraxia, or Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (DCD), causes problems with language, perception and thought – most specifically issues with co-ordination. Around one in seven children has this learning difficulty and if your child is affected it can be hard to know how to help for the best. Here we answer some of the most common questions parents ask.
Also see:

More about SENs
You might suspect your child has a learning difference or it might already have been identified. Find more information here: