Year 6 Science

In the final year of the Key Stage 2 science curriculum, your child will continue to focus in more detail on the core areas of life and living things, materials and their properties and physical processes.
You can consolidate learning at home with our Year 6 science worksheets and experiments, which will help your child develop their skills of ‘scientific enquiry’, including explaining how living and non-living things work, thinking about the links between cause and effect, the importance of testing ideas using evidence, and developing their investigative skills.
Plus, for a complete course in Year 6 science, check out our fantastic Year 6 Science Learning Journey programme.

Year 6 Science Learning Journey
Discover a complete learning programme that covers all the core science skills that your child must master by the end of Year 6. This comprehensive programme enables you to cover every topic in the curriculum with just one 10-minute worksheet every week at home.
Get started on the Year 6 Science Learning Journey and by doing just a few minutes of fun work each week with your child at home, you will inspire their learning, fire up their hunger for knowledge… and ensure they're not only on top of their lessons but brimming over with facts and actively contributing to classes.

Experiments and science fun for KS1 and KS2
Beans, gingerbread men, ice, washing-up bottles and cocoa powder – that's all you need to demonstrate key KS1 and KS2 science concepts to your child at the kitchen table. Packed with simple experiments, fun games (Muffled Chinese Whispers, anyone?) and parent-friendly science explanations, our Experiments and science fun for KS1 and KS2 learning pack is all you need to make primary science come to life for your child.
KS2 Science SATs papers
Even though KS2 Science SATs haven't been externally assessed since 2009, your Year 6 child might still sit this test as part of 'science sampling'. Help them prepare, and make sure they've understood all the core primary school science learning, by working through these KS2 Science SATs past papers:
Year 6 science homework? Visit the Homework Gnome
In Year 6, your child will cover some core learning areas of science. For many of these topic-areas, you'll find top facts, timelines, did you knows, pictures, videos and more, in the Homework Gnome. Why not check out the following:
Animal adaptation
Caring for the environment
Conservation and endangered species
Electricity and power generation
Space exploration