Taking the 11+ in Surrey

Which schools require an 11+ pass?
There is stiff competition for entry into Surrey’s grammar schools, with as many as ten applicants for each school place. The selective schools in Surrey are divided between two areas of the county: Kingston-upon-Thames and Sutton.

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The grammar schools in Kingston-upon-Thames are:
The Sutton grammar schools are:
What do the tests involve?
Since 2014 the Sutton schools have been working collaboratively. They now use the same Selective Eligibility Test, which comprises two 40-45 minute multiple-choice style numeracy and literacy tests, based on what the children should have learned in Key Stage 2. In all of the schools, with the exception of Greenshaw High, sitting the first test will determine whether a child may be entered for the school’s second stage entrance test.
The Tiffin School has a two-stage testing process, with both round one testing English and maths in a multiple choice format and round two comprising a written English and maths test.
For Tiffin Girls' there is also a two-stage process, where only the children who have qualified from stage one are invited to take the second test. The stage one test is made up of two multiple-choice test papers in English and maths. The core subjects of English and maths are also assessed in the stage two test.
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What version of the test is used?
The Sutton schools write the Selective Eligibility Test themselves. The second stage entrance tests are written by each individual establishment and will differ between each school. Parents need to carefully check the relevant website to clarify further details of each individual school’s admission criteria.
The stage one test is prepared either by GL Assessment or by the school for Tiffin School and The Tiffin Girls’ School.
How do you arrange for your child to take the test?
For Sutton Schools, the Sutton Local Authority website provides direct links to all the schools in the area detailing their admissions policies, testing arrangements and how to register your child to take the Selective Eligibility Test.
For both Kingston Schools, you need to fill in a Supplementary Information Form (SIF), available on each of the school’s websites, in order for your child to take the selective test. Kingston's Local Authority website has full contact details of each school as well as providing details of their admission process, key dates and testing arrangements. Parents are also advised to read the admissions section on each of the school’s websites too.
Where are the tests held?
The Sutton Selective Eligibility Test is held at each of the schools. In general, children will be allocated their nearest venue. Tiffin and Tiffin Girls' also hold their tests at the schools.
What is the pass mark?
The Sutton schools don’t state a pass mark in advance of the test, but set it at a point where they feel candidates would then be capable of accessing a grammar school curriculum.
The pass mark at both the Kingston schools varies. The Tiffin Girls' School allocates places in rank order; last year, 1,316 children took the test with only 150 places available. Places are offered at the Tiffin School in rank order until 180 places are filled, and each year, a minimum qualifying score is set.
How can I help prepare my child?
The Sutton schools have made a point of not offering sample questions to parents or providing past papers as their intention is to create a level playing field for all children taking part.
The Tiffin schools don’t make past papers available to parents, but they do direct you to the GL Assessment practice papers that are widely available from bookshops and online.
You can find useful area-specific e-papers created and designed to reflect Surrey exam formats from Exam Paper Plus.
Please note that while every effort has been made to ensure the information we provide about individual schools is accurate, admissions arrangements for Year 7 entry change regularly and it is essential to check for the most up-to-date advice on schools' own websites.
NB: TheSchoolRun receives a small commission from sales made through Exam Paper Plus.

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