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The Warwickshire 11+ test explained

Warwickshire 11+ parents' guide
With six selective secondary schools to apply for in Warwickshire, we have the details you need about registering your child for the 11+ test.

Which schools require an 11+ pass?

There are six grammar schools in Warwickshire, in two separate admission areas: 

What do the tests involve?

Each child will sit two papers in one session, lasting approximately 3 hours. The tests cover verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning (25 per cent), and English and mathematics multiple-choice questions.

What version of the test is used?

There is a new test provider for Warwickshire, it used to be CEM but it is now GL. 

Exam Papers Plus &

If you're looking for practice papers for your child's 11+, our partners at Exam Papers Plus have papers for specific schools, as well as courses and mock exams for each area. 

And their Pretest Plus offers online tests and video courses to help your child succeed at CAT, ISEB PRETEST, CEM SELECT and UKISET examinations.

How do you arrange for your child to take the test?

You need to fill out a Warwickshire grammar schools registration form. Your 11+ registration form must be accompanied by two proofs of your child's address: original utility bills no more than two months old or a current council tax bill or housing benefits letter. Failure to enclose this evidence will mean your registration form is classed as late. One passport-sized photo must also be attached to the registration form. The deadline for test applications is usually the end of June.

Where are the tests held?

The 11+ test is taken in allocated test centres in the area, most of which are in secondary schools. Tests are not held at children's own primary schools. Wherever possible, you'll be allocated the nearest test centre to your home address.

What is the pass mark?

The qualifying score – the lowest possible mark your child can get to be considered for a grammar school place – is different for each school, and changes each year. Once the papers have been marked, the scores from both papers are standardised based on a child’s age on the day they took the 11+ test. The total standardised score is then used to rank the children from highest to lowest.

In 2014, across all six schools in the area, the lowest-scoring children to be allocated a place ranged from 196 to 220 marks out of a possible 307. Reaching the qualifying score doesn't guarantee your child a place: if there are more children with qualifying scores applying to a school than there are places, the children with the highest scores will be admitted first.

How can I help prepare my child?

The tests are largely designed to assess a child’s innate academic potential, which is why practice papers aren’t provided. However, short sample papers are sent out two weeks before the test so that your child can familiarise themselves with the test format and the types of questions included. You can also download the sample papers from the previous three years at

If you require any further information about the Warwickshire 11+ test, you can contact the School Admissions office at

Please note that admissions arrangements for Year 7 entry change regularly and it is essential to check for the most up-to-date advice on schools' own websites.

NB: TheSchoolRun receives a small commission from sales made through Exam Paper Plus. 

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