What is argument text?

What is an argument text?
An argument text is a text written about a subject, where the writer is either 'for' or 'against' the subject. Common argument texts written in primary school highlight the pros and cons of subjects such as zoos, school uniform or the use of computer tablets in education.

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Children study and write argument texts in Key Stage 2. They will read a range of them and get a feel for the way they are structured and the kind of language used.
Features of argument texts
- They usually start with an introduction
- They are written in formal language
- Sophisticated connectives at the start of sentences and paragraphs give the writing a formal tone (In addition to this point... Furthermore... Another important fact is...)
- The writing is usually split up into paragraphs.
- Often the writer's viewpoint will be backed up by facts and research.
- The aim of the writing is to persuade the reader to consider the writer's point of view and perhaps sway them towards their opinion. Rhetorical questions may be used to help with this persuasion.
Once children have familiarised themselves with this genre, they then start drafting their own argument texts.
The teacher will usually choose one topic that the class will research. It is important for them to find out plenty of facts about this topic, as good argument texts are backed up by robust research.
Children need to make notes on their research and then start drafting their argument text, thinking about the features they have looked at in the texts they have read.
They will need to pay close attention to how they structure their text, including thinking about paragraphs and strong opening and closing sentences. They will then go through a process of editing their work with the help of teachers or peers, and then writing their argument up in neat.
You'll find details of all the non-fiction texts studied in primary school in our parents' guide.

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