11 DIY Forest School activities

It’s a sad truth of modern life that kids are spending less time outside than ever before.
The average child spends just five hours a week playing outside, compared to a staggering 45.5 hours in front of a screen.
This is having a knock-on effect on children’s learning and development. A survey by Sudocrem found that only one in three can name a single herb, and 50% struggle to name five fruits and vegetables that grow in Britain.
We’ve also been warned that a lack of outdoor play is compromising everything from ‘physical literacy,’ such as being able to throw and catch accurately, to their eyesight, which suffers as a result of insufficient exposure to daylight.
In an attempt to combat children’s indoor, sedentary lifestyle, Forest School is on offer in an increasing number of primary schools, giving kids the opportunity to learn in the great outdoors.
‘It has a huge range of benefits, including improved health and fitness, concentration, teamwork, emotional wellbeing and independence,’ explains Rebecca Wyatt, Forest School leader at Bournemouth Collegiate School.
‘Children also learn important skills like problem-solving, assessing risk and and communication.’
We asked Rebecca to suggest 11 Forest School activities that you can do with your own child, with next to no expense or equipment required.
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