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How the Learning Journey works

Learning Journey
Find out how our fantastic primary school learning programme – The Learning Journey – could benefit you and your child as well as full details of how to use the reward charts and certificates!

How does it work?

1. Log into TheSchoolRun and scroll down to your child's learning plan.

weekly plan

We've compiled targeted resources for your child's school year, which track the National Curriculum, and we deliver them every week to your learning plan.

Got more than one child in primary school? Add their school year and we'll create a learning plan for each child.

2. Browse through the learning plan and choose the activities you want your child to complete this week.


Each week on your learning plan you'll find:


  • 1 maths & 1 English worksheet, activity or game: These will focus on a core topic that your child will be learning in school this term.

  • An interactive maths tutorial: Our digital teacher explains the topic, shows your child examples of it and then gives your child a chance to practise what they've learned by completing on-screen tasks.

  • Guides for parents on the topics your child is learning, so you can explain it to them.

  • PLUS science experiments and topic-focused activity packs for you to explore if you have time to spare.

3. Save resources for later and track your child's progress.

save for later

Not got time to do the activity right now? You can save it and come back to it another time.

And if you want to track your child's progress through the programme, you can do that too! In the My Saved Resources section you can assign resources to different children and you can mark them as completed once they're done.

And there's more...

Our lives are busier than ever these days and it's difficult to remember everything we have to do!

So, in case you forget to log in to the site to check out your learning plan, we'll also email you the links to the week's resources, as well as top tips from our teachers on how to complete them.

See, we've done all the hard work for you!


Another important element of the Learning Journey is the reward chart and certificates to help motivate your child to stick with the journey. They are, of course, an optional part of the programme but the teachers who helped us create the Learning Journey all agreed that setting up a challenge and reward system for your child would increase their willingness to take part and keep up their enthusiasm for completing their weekly worksheets.

Find out more about how to use the reward chart and certificates below.

CertificateReward chart

What are the key benefits of the Learning Journey?

  • Government research shows that giving your child extra support with their learning at home is one of the key determinants of how well they will perform at school.

  • Start the programme and we'll create a tailored learning plan for your child. Each week we'll update your child's plan with two worksheets a week (one English, one maths) to do with your child (plus an optional maths tutorial and science worksheet). By completing these worksheets (which shouldn't take more than 10 minutes each), you can be confident that you've given your child the extra support they need at home to stay on top of the National Curriculum and perform well each year.
  • The programme has been carefully created by primary school teachers to ensure that over the course of the school year you will cover all the core areas of the National Curriculum, including reading and writing skills, spelling, times tables and maths.
  • This extra reinforcement and practice at home will help your child feel confident that they’re keeping up with the class and doing well at school.
  • You will be able to spot any problem areas your child may have and resolve them with the extra worksheets and learning packs that are provided.
  • Rather than seeming like just more school work, your child will be inspired by the colourful graphics and the fun nature of the worksheets.
  • The Learning Journey course also includes a fun reward chart and certificate to help motivate and inspire your child. Plus you can track your child's progress through the programme in the Saved Resources section.

How much does it cost? 

The Learning Journey is a service provided for all subscribers to TheSchoolRun at no extra cost. If you are already a subscriber then you will automatically have full access to this service.

If you are a registered user of the site and would like to trial Learning Journey, why not sign up for a FREE 14-day trial subscription today? We'll create a learning plan for your child (or children) and you'll also have instant access to all our other subscriber-only resources, including worksheets, learning packs, interactive tutorials and SATS practice papers.


How to use the reward charts and certificates

We all know that children work better when they are working towards a specific goal and there are rewards along the way.

The Learning Journey reward chart has been specifically created to keep your child motivated and to make the journey a fun and pleasurable experience.

The challenges and goals you set together can either be about completing a certain number of worksheets, or weeks of the Learning Journey, or about completing specific learning objectives linked to the work your child is doing as part of their Learning Journey.

Here, for example, is a reward chart completed by one of our Learning Journey guinea pigs!

Completed reward chart

The kinds of challenges you might like to choose, for example, include things like:

Complete 5 worksheets… Complete 2 weeks of the Learning Journey… Learn your 3 times table… Complete 2 worksheets on reading comprehension… Get full marks in a spelling test… Read a book and write a book report… Write a letter to grandma… Learn 5 phonic sounds… Do 3 worksheets for number bonds to 20

We’re sure your children can come up with some great ideas for rewards they’d like themselves but here are a few ideas to give them inspiration: Play a board game together… Bike ride… Trip to park/playground… Family movie night (DVD and popcorn)… Friend for a sleepover… Baking session… Pick the menu for dinner… Extra computer/TV/game console time… Special dessert… Staying up late on a Friday/Saturday

You'll find an even longer list of reward suggestions once you log into the Learning Journey.

In addition to the reward chart, you will also be able to print off different certificates to present to your child as they progress through the Learning Journey.

Learning Journey certificate