Key Stage 1 geography – what’s involved?

Geography is all around us and is an important subject for your child to learn about. Here’s how you can help your Key Stage 1 child embrace the subject.
In KS1 geography lessons, children are taught to:
- Name and locate the world’s seven continents and five oceans.
- Name, locate and identify characteristics of the four countries and capital cities of the United Kingdom and its surrounding seas.

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- Understand similarities and differences between life in different countries.
- Look at seasonal and daily weather patterns in the UK and compare them with hotter and colder countries.
- Use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to physical features and human features.
Support your child's learning at home
- Provide your child with a map, atlas or globe and encourage them to use this to find out more about places and environments. Which countries are hot or cold? Can your child identify where different people come from, perhaps children in his or her class?
- Use maps, atlases and globes.
- Use simple compass directions.
- Use aerial photos to recognise human and physical features.
- Devise a simple map.
- Use and construct basic symbols in a key.
- Study the geography of their school and its grounds.
- Read stories that include different geographical locations and ideas. Ideas include The Jungle Book (tropical rainforest) and Aladdin (desert).
- Find the geography in your home. Where in the world did your furniture, ornaments or kitchenware come from? What materials were used? How far did they travel? Are there any environmental issues?
- Is there geography in your family tree?
- Where did the vegetables you’re eating come from?
- Develop a geographical scrapbook. Take a walk in your local area and collect anything that represents or reflects the locality – people, plants, buildings, landmarks and so forth. Create a map.
- Use postcards, posters and pictures to discuss other places. Think about where the image was taken. Are there any people in the image? What might their lives be like? What are they doing? What might they be saying? What objects are in the image and what are they for? What is the environment like?

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