6 of the best ways to have silly fun at home

Who wouldn't want to be a Giant of Jokery, a Pharaoh of Foolery, a Tsar of Zaniness, a President of Prankery or the world’s number one Nuisance Ninja?
Mike Barfield's The Mischief Maker's Handbook is packed with prank-tastic practical jokes and amazingly annoying gags which will make grown-ups groan, teachers tremble, siblings sigh and family and friends freak out – and it's brilliant fun!

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The fully illustrated handbook includes top-secret DIY hacks to make your own practical jokes, exasperating questions to ask adults and top tips on how to get away with (almost) anything! Click on each image in our extract to download a printable page of instructions.
Make a lollystick frisbee
Master the Lucky 7s trick
Construct a paper water bomb
Present the coin conundrum to family and friends
More mischievous pranks to play on family and friends
The ideas above are extracted from The Mischief Maker's Handbook by Mike Barfield, illustrated by Jan Buchczik (£8.70, Lawrence King Publishing).

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