The parents’ guide to benefits for families with primary school children

Raising kids can be an expensive business, and it doesn’t stop when your child hits school age. You may not be paying for nursery any more, but there are still plenty of costs to take into account, from school uniform to wraparound childcare.
Thankfully, there are a lot of benefits that you may be able to claim if you have a child under 16. Some of these are available to every family, while others are means-tested and based on your income.

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Child Benefit
A monthly sum to help with the cost of bringing up children. Every family is entitled to Child Benefit, but if you’re a higher income household, you’ll pay an increasing amount of tax on it.
Find out more about Child Benefit and how to claim.
Tax Credits
A means-tested benefit to support people on lower incomes. You might be entitled to it if, for example, you claim Housing Benefit or Jobseeker’s Allowance.
There are two main types of Tax Credits that apply to families with children: the detailed guides below offer more information about what they are and how to claim.
Universal Credit explained for parents
Help with childcare
There are various forms of support with childcare costs.
Every three- and four-year-old is entitled to 15 hours’ free childcare a week. Some are entitled to 30 hours a week.
You may also be able to claim Tax-free Childcare, which can be used for childcare for school-age children.
Other benefits for families with primary schoolchildren
Some of the other benefits that you may be able to claim if you have a school-age child are free school meals, free school transport and help with school uniform costs. Find out who is eligible for other school-related benefits and how to apply.

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