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Year 3 Investigative skills worksheets

Transparent and opaque investigation

Transparent and opaque

Can you remember what transparent means? What about opaque? Use a torch to investigate different materials you can find around your house. Which ones allow light to pass through them (transparent)? Which ones block light (opaque)?
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Seed germination investigation

Seed germination investigation

Let's investigate which conditions affect seed germination!
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Investigate shadows worksheet

Investigate shadows

Be a shadow detective! Place an object outside and record how the height and width of the shadow cast by the object changes throughout the day. Record them on this sheet.
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Understanding light and dark

Understanding light and dark

A worksheet designed to help your child investigate and understand light and dark.
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Designing for a purpose

Designing for a purpose

Let your child use their imagination to create a camouflage outfit, helping them explore ideas about designing for a purpose.
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Experimenting with forces: jet engine experiment

Experimenting with forces

Develop your child's understanding of forces with an experiment to demonstrate the workings of a jet engine whilst encouraging scientific discussion.
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Comparing data worksheet

Comparing data

A worksheet showing results of an experiment into soil permeability with questions for children to answer.
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Good and bad scientists worksheet

Good and bad scientists

A list of statements for children to look through and decide which are true of good scientists.
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Growing diary data worksheet

Growing diary data

A worksheet showing results of an investigation into how different soils affect the growth of plants.
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Plan a scientific investigation worksheet

Plan a scientific investigation

This worksheet encourages children to read through a plan of an investigation and decide where the problems might be.
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Step-by-step investigation worksheet

Step-by-step investigation

Use this worksheet to help your child plan an investigation into the amount of light different materials will allow through.
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Using scientific equipment worksheet

Using scientific equipment

Use this worksheet to help your child plan an investigation into rock permeability.
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Predictions and conclusions: life cycles worksheet

Predictions and conclusions: life cycles

A worksheet showing the predictions and conclusions of an experiment into life cycles. Includes questions to encourage children to use their investigative skills.
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Shadow spotting

Shadow spotting

This activity is a fantastic opportunity to introduce your child to the concept of light and dark.
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