Reception Materials worksheets
Natural and man-made objects
Have a look at these objects. Do you think they are natural or man-made? Can you draw a line to match them to the right shelves?
Materials: similarities and differences
This activity is designed to encourage your child to observe the similarities and differences between different materials.
Find patterns all around you
There are patterns all around us. Take a large piece of white paper and a crayon and see if you can capture some!
Building a paper bridge
Sam wants to build a bridge for his toy car. He has four different types of paper. How could you find out which one is best? Have a go yourself and find out!
What’s in your kitchen cupboard?
Can you work with an adult to group some of the objects in your kitchen? Sort them into piles or draw pictures of them on these cards
That’s my stone!
How good are your observation skills? Have a go at this game which tests how good you are at spotting the similarities and differences between objects.
Sorting clothes
When it is time to change over your child’s wardrobe from season to season or you are having a big clear out, take the opportunity to involve them and look at what different clothes are made from. Talk about the materials the clothes are made from and together look at the labels showing their properties.
Make a waterproof for a teddy
It may be a wet day, but Teddy wants to go out and play! How can we keep Teddy dry in the rain? Let's choose materials to help make something waterproof for Teddy.
Blindfold Smelling Game
Help your child to use their sense of smell to work out which food or drink is put in front of them.
Blindfold Tasting Game
Encourage your child to use their sense of taste and descriptive skills to work out which food they are eating when blindfolded.
Design a toy
Work with your child to draw a design for a toy using labels. Your child can then make the toy and invite someone to play-test it.
Materials treasure hunt
Encourage your child to find soft and hard objects around the house and then record what they found.
Sorting materials: soft and hard
Encourage your child to feel a variety of objects and then sort them according to whether they are soft or hard.
Sorting toys
An activity involving sorting toys according to a criteria discussed between you and your child.
Blindfold Feeling Game
Help your child to use their sense of touch to feel different hard and soft objects and then try to guess what they are.