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Year 1 Materials worksheets

Which material for which job worksheet

Which material for which job?

Some materials are more suitable for particular jobs than others. Look at these pictures and decide which of the materials could be used for each job. Which ones would not be suitable at all?
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Sorting materials according to material properties worksheet

Sorting materials according to material properties

We can sort objects into groups on the basis of simple material properties: roughness, hardness, shininess, ability to float, transparency and whether they are magnetic or non-magnetic. Collect some of these materials and try different ways of sorting them. Can you make a physical pictogram to show how you’ve sorted things?
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Sinking and floating investigation

Sinking and floating investigation

Look at these pictures. Can you identify the objects? Which ones do you think will float in water? Which ones will sink? Why? Ask a parent if there any that you can test.
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Recognise and name common materials worksheet

Recognise and name common materials

Cut out the cards below. Each player chooses one material card; the other players need to ask questions to help them guess what it is.
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Identifying materials worksheet

Identifying materials

Look at the pictures. What is the main material that each of these items is made from? Cut out the picture cards and match them up with the label cards on the next page. Now shuffle the cards up and play a game of matching pairs!
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Find and label materials

Find and label materials

This activity will teach your child the different properties of many common materials and help them identify why they are used.
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Investigating and comparing materials

Investigating and comparing materials

Develop your child's understanding of materials and their different properties.
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What material is it made of?

What material is it made of?

Your child will develop their knowledge of materials and their properties with this fun to do worksheet.
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Learning about materials activity

Learning about materials

This Key Stage 1 science download is about the characteristics of materials and will help your child to think about why we use materials the way we do in constructing everyday objects.
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The properties of different materials

The properties of different materials

This kids' science activity looks at the properties of fabrics.
It is aimed at Key Stage 1 pupils and should be done with a parent or carer.
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Be a scientist

Be a scientist

This activity will develop your child's imagination and design skills.
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