Tutorial finder
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Reading and writing numbers to one hundred in words tutorial
Let our digital teacher show you how to read and write numbers to one hundred in words, then have a go yourself to check you've mastered it!
Comparing and ordering numbers to 100 using the > and < symbols tutorial
Let our digital teacher show you how to compare and order numbers to 100 using the 'greater than' and 'less than' symbols tutorial, then see if you can put the symbols in the correct place to make these sums work.
Read and write numbers from one to twenty in words tutorial
Let our digital teacher show you how to read and write numbers from 1 to 20 in words. Then, if you think you've got the hang of it, have a go yourself!
Solving problems by counting in fives tutorial
Let our digital teacher show you how you can solve problems by counting in 5s, then see if you can answer some interactive questions.
Finding 50 percent of a quantity tutorial
Let our digital teacher show you how to find 50% of a quantity – then see if you can answer the tricky online questions she's going to ask.
Finding one hundred more or less than a number tutorial
Let our digital teacher show you how to fine one hundred more or less than a number, then she's going to ask you some questions to check you've got the hang of it!
Calculating and recognising square numbers tutorial
Let our digital teacher show you how to calculate and recognise square numbers, then get set for some challenging questions!
Calculating and recognising cube numbers tutorial
Let our digital teacher show you an easy way to calculate cube numbers, then when you think you've mastered it, have a go at answering some interactive questions.
Recognising square numbers tutorial
Let our digital teacher show you a really simple way to recognise square numbers. Then, when you're feeling confident, see if you can answer the questions she's going to ask you.
Finding factor pairs tutorial
Let our digital teacher show you a really simple way to work out the factor pairs of a number, then she's going to ask you some tricky questions to see if you've got the hang of it!