What your child learns in Key Stage 1 maths

Children in KS1 will be learning about maths in a practical hands-on way, using everyday objects to solve problems and do simple calculations.
They will be working individually, as a whole class and in groups, and will be learning to think about the methods they use for solving problems.
They will be talking about their methods and using pictures, lists and tables to present their results.
What your child will be learning in KS1 maths
• Reading and writing numbers 0 to 20 and beyond
• Counting up to 100 objects and beyond
• Learning which pairs of numbers add up to 10 and to 20 (number bonds)

Unique Year 1 Learning Programme!
- Weekly maths & English worksheets direct to your inbox
- Follows the National Curriculum
- Keeps your child's learning on track
• Recognising number patterns
• Using a number line
• The 2, 5 and 10 times tables, plus division facts
• Adding and subtracting one-digit and two-digit numbers
• Doubling and halving
• Finding a quarter, a third and a half of a shape or quantity
• Simple mental maths
• Recognising, naming and describing 2D and 3D shapes
• Using shapes to make models and pictures
• Finding lines of symmetry
• Measuring and weighing
• Addition and subtraction of small amounts of money
• Knowing that a quarter turn is a right angle
• Recognising and using mathematical symbols
• Drawing and interpreting graphs and pictograms
• Telling the time on an analogue clock to the nearest five minutes
• Naming and describing 2D and 3D shapes

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