What your child learns in KS2 maths curriculum

Think maths involves just adding, subtracting and times tables? Think again. Here’s a rundown of all the things your child will be learning in Years 3 to 6.
During KS2 children become much more confident with maths: they are adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing, as well as doing mental calculations and solving problems using time, measure or money.
By the end of Year 6 the children should have a secure grasp of their times tables up to 12.
What your child will learn in KS2 maths:
- Prime numbers less than 100

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- Cube numbers (taught in Year 6 from September 2015)
- All the times tables up to 12x12
- Add, subtract, divide and multiply numbers of up to four digits
- Know equivalents between decimals, fractions and percentages
- Ratio and proportion
- Basic algebra (taught in Year 6 from September 2015)
- Problems involving decimals, fractions and percentages
- Use of brackets, including BODMAS
- Read and plot coordinates
- Measure and draw acute, obtuse, reflex and right angles
- Calculate the sum of angles around a point, on a straight line and (only in Year 6 from 2015) in a triangle and quadrilateral
- Rotation, reflection and translation of shapes (rotation will no longer be taught under the new curriculum from September 2015)
- Convert units of measurement
- Tell the time from a 12- or 24-hour clock and calculate time intervals
- Draw and interpret line graphs, bar charts, pie charts and pictograms
- Calculate the mean, median and mode average, plus the range (from September 2015, only the mean will be taught, in Year 6)
- Understand probability (until September 2015)

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