Working at greater depth: what it means for your child

When the Department for Education (DfE) introduced the new National Curriculum for primary schools in 2014, it also announced a new grading system.
Under the previous system, children were expected to achieve specific National Curriculum levels by the end of each year group: level 2B at the end of Year 2, and level 4 by the end of Year 6. Those who were working above the expected standard for their age could be awarded a higher level: for example, the highest achievers in Year 6 could secure a level 6.
With the introduction of the new National Curriculum, levels became defunct. Children are now assessed against a set of objectives or age-related expectations to see if they are:
- Working towards end of year expectations: not yet reaching the standard expected for their school year
- Working at end of year expectations: at the level expected for their year group
- Working at greater depth: working more deeply within the expectations for their year. In KS2 maths and reading, this is referred to as ‘meeting the higher standard’.
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