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Proportion problems
One in every three of these cupcakes is made with vanilla. Two in every three are made with chocolate. Can you solve these proportion problems? Use coloured counters if you get stuck with these
Quarter, half and full turns
A quarter turn is 90 degrees. A half turn is 180 degrees. A whole turn is 360 degrees. This is Jane’s bedroom, seen from above. Can you see her bed, window, door and teddy? Can you answer these questions about how may degrees she turns?
Adding and subtracting multiples of 10, 100 and 1000
Try this quick mental maths checker – adding and subtracting multiples of 10, 100 and 1000. Colour in a star every time you get 10/10!
Mental maths checker: doubles and halves of two- and three-digit numbers
Can you double and halve these two- and three-digit numbers? Colour in a star every time you get 10/10!
Ratio problems
Ratio shows us the relationship between two numbers or quantities. Can you solve these ratio problems? Use some coloured counters to help with these problems if you need to.
Solving two-step word problems
Can you solve these problems? Jot down the numbers you need to use on the notebooks. Think about the steps needed to work out these problems and jot numbers down as you go along. Ask a parent if you need help finding one half and one fifth of a number.
Subtracting three-digit numbers
When subtracting three-digit numbers, there are three different methods you can use. Work out these subtractions using whichever method you find easiest.
Using a calculator for two-step problems
You can use a calculator for these two-step problems. What calculations will you need to do? Think hard about what numbers you need to key in and what you will need to write down as you go along.
Using tally and bar charts
What’s your favourite part of Christmas? Find information about the best aspects of the festive season for as many people as you can by asking your friends at school and your family at home. They will need to choose from the list in the table. Keep a tally of the numbers using this tally chart. Now use these axes to draw your own bar chart to show the information you have found.
Venn and Carroll diagrams
Can you put these numbers into this Venn diagram? Now put the same numbers into this Carroll Diagram. Think about each number in turn and then cross it off when you have put it into the correct place. It may help to write a list of multiples of 7 and 5 before you start.