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Relating fractions to decimals
Can you cut out these cards and then match them up? This will help you relate simple fractions to decimals.
Relating fractions to percentages
If you are looking at a part of a whole (in this case shaded sections of a shape), you can write it as a fraction or a percentage. Can you shade the correct part of the shapes below?
Solving proportion problems
This recipe is for a fish pie that feeds four people. Sue needs to make the fish pie to feed six people. How much will she need of each ingredient? You can use a calculator for this problem.
Subtracting three-digit numbers: the number line method
When subtracting three-digit numbers you can use a number line to help you. This method looks like adding, because it starts with the smaller number and then counts on to the bigger number to find the difference between the two numbers. You then add up all the jumps you have made on the top. Use this method to work out these sums.
Understanding decimal numbers
Numbers to the right of the decimal point are tenths of a whole. Numbers to the right of the tenths are hundredths of a whole. Can you shade these decimals on the squares below? Remember: each square represents one whole unit, made up of 100 hundredths.
Maze puzzle: giving directions
Father Christmas is stuck in a maze. Help him to find a way out so he can deliver your presents! Can you give Father Christmas instructions to the maze exit? Decide which way he should go, then write down your instructions using these commands. F = go forwards, R90 = turn right 90°, L90 = turn left 90° Your instructions might look like this: F\R90\F\L90… and so on. There are lots of different possible routes; try all the exits from the centre.
Number bonds to 10 matching
Father Christmas wants 10 presents to put in each stocking. Can you draw lines linking two piles that add up to 10? This Christmas-themed worksheet will help your child practise number bonds to 10 and simple addition.
Initial letter matching puzzle
There are lots of Christmas things pictured on this worksheet! Say the first sound of each picture. Now can you find the right sound and match it with the rest of the word?
Answering open and closed questions
A closed question is one which only requires a simple answer (usually one word), for example: What is your name? An open question allows the person being asked to talk more freely in a variety of different ways, for example: How are you feeling? Here are some questions for Perseus. Cut them out and sort them into a pile of closed questions and a pile of open questions.
Character descriptions
How would you describe the fearsome Gorgon Medusa? Use these boxes to write some more words and phrases to describe her. You will need to include adjectives, powerful verbs and adverbs. Try to include some similes, too!