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Roman numerals puzzle

Roman numerals puzzle

Can you complete this puzzle with the correct Roman numerals?
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Roman numerals worksheet

Roman shopping trip

Let’s go Roman shopping! Can you work out the cost of these items?
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Sorting regular and irregular shapes

Sorting regular and irregular shapes

Regular shapes have equal-length sides and all the internal angles are equal. Can you cut out the shapes and sort them into the Venn diagram? Then draw a circle around the regular shapes and write a definition of an irregular shape.
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Using cubes to calculate volume worksheet

Using cubes to calculate volume

Volume is the amount of 3D space that an object occupies. Calculate the number of cubes in each shape to work out the volume (measured in cubic centimetres, cm3).
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Calculating discounts worksheet

Calculating discounts

Play this quick calculation game with a partner. Take it in turns to turn over an item card and a percentage card. Work out how much money you are saving on each item by calculating the discount percentage. After three rounds, the person who has saved the most money wins.
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Capital letter rules worksheet

Capital letter rules

Do you know why we use capital letters? See if you can sort these statements into the correct columns.
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Carroll diagram planning worksheet

Carroll diagram planning

Emily is having a birthday party. To help with buying food, Emily has sorted her guests into a Carroll diagram. Use it to plan for the birthday party below.
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Carroll diagram puzzle

Carroll diagram puzzle

The labels for these Carroll diagrams have fallen off. Can you put them in the correct places?
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Choosing time connectives worksheet

Choosing time connectives

Time connectives are words or phrases that order your writing into a chronological sequence. Can you fill in the missing time connectives below so the story makes sense?
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Colons for lists worksheet

Colons for lists

Can you correctly place the colon in these two sentences then finish these sentences off with a list, remembering your colon and your commas for separating each item.
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