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Using different materials to make a home worksheet

Using different materials to make a home

Look at these pictures of houses. What are they are made from? What do you think it might be like to live in these houses in hot or cold weather? Let's investigate which materials would not be good to use to build a house.
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Using medicines safely worksheet

Using medicines safely

Look at the labels on the bottles and pills in your medicine cabinet with your mum or dad. Can you answer these questions about them?
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What do we use plants for?

What do we use plants for?

Look at these different word cards. Can you sort them into types of plant and into functions? Now shuffle the cards and see if you can match the different plants with possible functions.
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What is evaporation investigation

What is evaporation?

In this investigation you are going to see if water can move – or does it just change?
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What stores and transfers energy?

What stores and transfers energy?

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred from one store into another. In these pictures, which items do you think use energy? Which ones store energy? Do they all store/use the same type of energy? Cut them out and sort them into groups.
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What’s in your kitchen cupboard worksheet

What’s in your kitchen cupboard?

Can you work with an adult to group some of the objects in your kitchen? Sort them into piles or draw pictures of them on these cards
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Which foods are kind to teeth worksheet

Which foods are kind to teeth?

Look at this list of different foods and drinks. Which ones do you think will harm your teeth? Which ones do you think are less harmful and may even help your teeth? Colour in the tooth-friendly foods green and the ones that might harm your teeth red.
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Which material for which job worksheet

Which material for which job?

Some materials are more suitable for particular jobs than others. Look at these pictures and decide which of the materials could be used for each job. Which ones would not be suitable at all?
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Who’s living in your tree investigation

Who’s living in your tree?

Put a large white sheet under a tree or a bush and give the tree a good shake. Lots of little bugs living in your tree/bush should fall onto the sheet for you to look at carefully under a magnifying glass. Can you draw some of the bugs you can see? Can you identify any of them?
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Why do our bodies need exercise worksheet

Why do our bodies need exercise?

Whenever you or any member of your family or friends do some exercise, carry out a survey to find out how they felt. Use the table to record your findings. Look at the results of your table. What do you notice?
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