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Researching invertebrates worksheet

Researching invertebrates

All of these animals are invertebrates (they have no backbone). Can you do some research on them to find out how their bodies are structured, what they eat and what habitat they live in?
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Researching life cycles worksheet

Researching life cycles

Think of an animal or plant you are particularly interested in. Can you research their life cycle? Draw or print out some pictures to make your life cycle clearer.
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Researching vertebrates worksheet

Researching vertebrates

Vertebrates can be divided into five groups. Can you research each group and give examples of animals in that group?
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Similarities in families worksheet

Similarities in families

When we have children, we pass on our genes to them. This is why you may look like your mum or dad, or you may be good at something (or not good at something!), just like them. Draw portraits of yourself, your mum and your dad. Do you share any physical characteristics? Can you give examples of how you are similar to your parents in behaviour or ability?
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The dangers of cigarettes and alcohol worksheet

The dangers of cigarettes and alcohol

Smoking and drinking alcohol are not illegal, but cigarettes and too much alcohol are very bad for your health. Can you match these smoking-related words to their definitions below?
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The effects of a healthy diet worksheet

The effects of a healthy diet

Eating a balanced diet is important for maintaining good health. This food pyramid shows us how much we should have of each food group every day. Why do you think we need these different food groups? Can you do some research into the nutrients each group gives us.
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The effects of exercise on the body worksheet

The effects of exercise on the body

Can you sort these statements about the effects of exercise into the ‘True’ and ‘False’ columns below?
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The human life cycle worksheet

The human life cycle

Can you cut out these cards and arrange them in the correct order on the life cycles frame?
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The life cycle of a bee worksheet

The life cycle of a bee

Can you cut out these cards and arrange them in the correct order on the life cycles frame on the next page?
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The life cycle of a sunflower worksheet

The life cycle of a sunflower

Can you cut out these cards and arrange them in the correct order on the life cycles frame?
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