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Verbal reasoning worksheet: Algebra practice

Verbal reasoning: Algebra practice

You’ll be working on mathematics questions that use letters in place of numbers in this worksheet. Complete these sum below and give your answers as a number or letter.
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Verbal reasoning worksheet: Antonyms, opposite words

Verbal reasoning: Antonyms, opposite words

In this worksheet we’re going to focus on words that have OPPOSITE meanings, known as antonyms. Select two words, one from each group, that are most opposite to each other in meaning.
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Verbal reasoning: Antonyms wordsearch

Verbal reasoning: Antonyms wordsearch

A wordsearch with a twist! Look at the clue and then find the antonym in the wordsearch.
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Verbal reasoning worksheet: Codes using letters

Verbal reasoning: Codes using letters

Using the blank alphabet, come up with a fiendishly complicated code and write messages to your friends and family. Will they be able to decipher them? You might need to teach them how to work through
the alphabet finding the right correspondences.
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Verbal reasoning: Compilation test

Verbal reasoning: Compilation test, question types 1-3

Put your verbal reasoning skills to the test with a compilation quiz.
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Verbal reasoning worksheet: AB is to CD as GH is to IJ

Verbal reasoning: AB is to CD as GH is to IJ

In these verbal reasoning questions we’ll be trying to find a connection between two pairs of letters. Can you find the next two letters in these series?
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Verbal reasoning: Compilation test, question types 10-12

Verbal reasoning: Compilation test, question types 10-12

Let's see how good your verbal reasoning skills are. Can you answer these questions?
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Verbal reasoning: Compilation test, question types 13-15

Verbal reasoning: Compilation test, question types 13-15

Let's test your verbal reasoning skills!
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Verbal reasoning: Compilation test

Verbal reasoning: Compilation test, question types 16-18

Let's test your verbal reasoning skills!
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Verbal reasoning: Compilation test

Verbal reasoning: Compilation test, question types 19-21

Let's test your verbal reasoning skills!
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